Vault Loader allows you to load data to your Vault or extract data from your Vault in bulk. Loader is particularly useful during migrations and on-boarding. Extracted information downloads to a CSV file, which you can load back into your Vault or into other systems. Click on an action name in the table for details.

Available Bulk Actions File Batch Size
Extract Document Metadata CSV output up to 1,000,000
Extract Document Version Metadata CSV output up to 1,000,000
Extract Document Source Files CSV output with links to file staging server up to 10,000
Extract Document Renditions CSV output with links to file staging server up to 10,000
Extract Document Relationships CSV output up to 1,000,000
Extract Object Record Metadata CSV output up to 1,000,000
Extract Users CSV output up to 1,000,000
Extract Groups CSV output up to 1,000,000
Create & Update Documents CSV input unlimited; CSV must be under 1GB
Create & Delete Document Relationships CSV input unlimited; CSV must be under 1GB
Create & Delete Document Attachments CSV input unlimited; CSV must be under 1GB
Add Document Versions CSV input unlimited; CSV must be under 1GB
Add Document Renditions CSV input unlimited; CSV must be under 1GB
Update & Delete Document Roles CSV input unlimited; CSV must be under 1GB
Create, Update & Delete Object Records CSV input unlimited; CSV must be under 1GB
Create Object Record Attachments CSV input unlimited; CSV must be under 1GB
Create & Update Users CSV input unlimited; CSV must be under 1GB
Create & Update Groups CSV input unlimited; CSV must be under 1GB
Update & Delete Object Record Roles CSV Input up to 500; CSV must be under 1GB

How to Enable Vault Loader

To enable Vault Loader, go to Admin > Settings > General Settings. Once enabled, the Loader tab appears in the Vault’s primary navigation bar. The location of the Loader tab may differ in Vaults where Vault Loader was previously enabled.

Loader Permissions

By default, only Vault Owners have access to the loader. To extend this functionality to other users or groups, assign them to a custom security profile that includes the Vault Loader permission, and the View permission for the Loader tab.

To perform any actions through Loader, you must also have the correct access for the action. For example, you cannot update documents on which you don’t have role-based permissions or create users without the appropriate security profile.

There are additional permissions and restrictions for file staging server access.

Notifications & Output Files

Vault shows the status of loader jobs in Admin > Operations > Job Status and also sends notifications for both successes and failures. Admins can modify the notification message templates if needed.

Success & Failure Log Files

After each load, Vault creates separate success and failure logs as CSV files. You can download these files from the in-Vault notification or email notification. Vault deletes these files after 16 days. Both files contain the system-managed id values of each record.

If you select the Include fields in output log checkbox when loading, Vault queries the fields and validates that the fields were successfully created.

Failure Logs

Failure logs include:

  • Error messages for each record that failed to load
  • Original data alongside corresponding errors
  • Row IDs from the original CSV file for the corresponding row
  • Lines that Vault Loader skipped due to a mismatch in column counts

You can review and fix errors from within the error log. Once you correct any errors, you can re-import the failure log.

About the Vault Loader Command Line Tool

With the Vault Loader command line tool, you can manage files and folders on your Vault’s file staging server, load data to your Vault, or extract data from your Vault directly from the command line. Learn more about using the Vault Loader Command Line Tool.

How to Use the File Staging Server

See Accessing Your Vault’s File Staging Server to learn about connecting to the server. Note that you must use UTF-8 encoding in your CSV files.

How to Use the Server for Inputs

To reference files:

  1. Connect to the file staging server for your Vault.
  2. Upload files to the server. You can put these in the root directory or in your personal subdirectory. You can also create a new subdirectory for them.
  3. Add the file column to your CSV input and enter the path/name of each file relative to the file staging server root directory, for example, u60613/Dec-2015-Batch/Gludacta_Brochure.pdf.

How to Use the Server for Extracts

When Vault Loader exports files as part of an extract, you can find those files on your staging server. The CSV output will include the file column that shows the filename and location, relative to the file staging server’s root directory. When an export includes documents or document versions with multiple rendition types and you select the Include Renditions checkbox, the CSV output includes a separate row for each rendition type.

Migration Mode

To add document versions or renditions, or to set document numbering during import, you must select the Document Migration Mode checkbox.

To create or update object records in any lifecycle state or state type, you must select the Record Migration Mode checkbox. Vault bypasses entry criteria, entry actions, validation rules, event actions, and reference constraints when creating or updating records in migration mode.


Starting with the 24R3 release, Vault no longer tracks Vault Loader actions in the System Audit History, including data export. These changes were previously tracked in Vault releases 18R3 to 24R2. Actions that occurred after your Vault upgraded to 18R3 and before it upgraded to 24R3 will still appear in the System Audit History.

In all releases, Vault Loader actions on documents appear in the Document Audit History, and actions on object records appear in the Object Record Audit History.

About the User Object

You can use Vault Loader to create and update User records with the user__sys object. This allows you to update custom fields on User records, as well as standard fields such as Manager. Because Vault synchronizes User records with Legacy User accounts, Vault automatically updates Legacy User accounts when you create or update User records.