Report Type determines the “reporting objects” for the new report. For example, Document means that your report looks at documents as records, whereas Product with Campaign means that your report looks at Product and Campaign records.

The report type also affects what fields are available as report columns, filters, etc. When a user creates a new report, the first step is selecting a report type for it.

Vault includes standard, default report types, which are not editable, but also allows Admins to create custom report types. Custom report types are the only way to create certain kinds of reports, including a report that displays only object data records without including documents, or a report that displays details for custom objects. Learn about custom types in Configuring Report Types.

Standard Report Types

Report Type Description Primary Object Secondary Objects
Document Shows documents as unique records and allows you to use document fields Document  
Document with Rendition Shows documents as unique records and allows you to use document renditions fields. Document Rendition
Rendition with Document Shows all viewable document renditions as unique records and allows you to use document fields. Rendition Document
Document with Attachment Shows documents as unique records and allows you to view document attachments. Document Attachments
Workflow with Document Shows workflows or tasks as unique records and allows you to use document fields as well as workflow fields like Task Owner, Workflow Due Date, and Workflow Name. Workflow Document
Binder with Document Shows binders and sub-binders, then the documents in them, as unique records. This report type does not reflect the binder's structure. Sub-binders are listed as documents under their parent binders. Documents within a sub-binder do not count towards the parent binder's document count. Binder Document
Date Returns a record for every date, starting with January 1st, 1900. This reporting entity is not a Vault object and is hidden for standard report creation, but allows Admins to configure Report Views for use in chronological report types. N/A N/A
Workflow with [Object] Shows workflows or tasks as unique records and allows you to use specific object fields as well as workflow fields like Task Owner, Workflow Status, and Workflow Name. Note that Admins must create this report type for each particular object to display in your Vault. Workflow [Object]
Binder Section with Document

Shows binder sections, then the documents in them, as unique records. Vault can only report on the first level of sections in a binder. So, if Section A has subsections, all documents in those subsections are treated as though they were in Section A. The report does not show top-level documents that are not included in a section or sub-section of the binder.

Level one (1) sub-binders are listed as documents under their parent sections, but the documents within sub-binders are not listed. Level two (2) sub-binders and lower are not listed.

Binder Section Document
Binder Section with Document and Binder Allows you to report on both binder and binder sections at the first level and group documents within a binder by both binder and binder section. For binders and binder sections containing sub-binders, the report lists level one (1) sub-binders as documents, but does not list the documents within the sub-binders. Level two (2) sub-binders and lower are not listed. Binder Section Document, Binder
R&U with Document Shows Read & Understood tasks (not workflows) as unique records and allows you to use some document fields as well as Read & Understood task and workflow fields. R&U Task Document
Distribution with Document Shows controlled copy, CRM Client and approved email distributions as unique records. In addition to document fields, you can add fields specific to different distribution types, for example Distribution Status and Distribution Audience Details in for controlled copies. This report type is not available in all Vaults. Distribution Document
[Object] with Document Shows Vault object records for a specific object as unique records and allows you to use document fields. These report types are available for each standard object (Product, Study, etc.) in your Vault. [Object] Document
[Object] with Attachment Shows Vault object records for a specific object as unique records and allows you to view their attachments. [Object] Attachments
Copy with Original

Shows all documents that were created using the Make a Copy action, as well as each original document.

Document Relationship reports have advanced setup options.

Copy (source document in Based On relationship) Original Document (target document in Based On relationship)
Original with Copy

Shows all documents on which someone used the Make a Copy action, as well as each copy.

Document Relationship reports have advanced setup options.

Original Document (target document in Based On relationship) Copy (source document in Based On relationship)
Other Source Document with Target Document

Shows all documents with at least one document relationship. In the report builder, you must manually select a relationship type for the report.

Document Relationship reports have advanced setup options.

Source document in relationship Target document in relationship
Other Target Document with Source Document

Shows all documents that are the target in at least one document relationship. In the report builder, you must manually select a relationship type for the report.

Document Relationship reports have advanced setup options.

Target document in relationship Source document in relationship
Supported Document with Supporting Document

Shows all documents with at least one Supporting Document relationship. This report groups by source document, for example, the "CholeCap Ad Spring 2016" has three supporting documents.

Document Relationship reports have advanced setup options.

Source document in relationship Target document in relationship
Supporting Document with Supported Document

Shows all documents that are the target in at least one Supporting Document relationship. This report groups by target document, for example, the document "Cholesterol with CholeCap" has three documents that use it as a supporting document.

Document Relationship reports have advanced setup options.

Target document in relationship

Source document in relationship

Document with Created By User A Multi-Pass report that shows all documents matched to the user in the Created By field. For example, all documents created by Teresa Ibanez.



Types with Multiple Up or Down Objects

You may have certain report types that include multiple up or down objects, such as a Product with Product Countries and Documents report. In that report type, Products is the primary reporting object, with Product Country and Documents as down objects. Note that reporting with multiple up or down objects is only available for tabular reports.

An “up” object is an object related through a reference or parent relationship to the primary reporting object. A “down” object is a child object, simple join object, an object related through a reference relationship, or related documents. See About Object Relationships for details.