The Checklist Design Loader allows Admins to upload a complete design, including all related object records (Section Design, Available Answer Design, etc.) as a single CSV file.

How to Enable Checklist Design Loader

In order to use Checklist Design Loader, you must configure the Upload Design Configuration user action on one or more states of the Checklist Design Lifecycle. This action allows a user to upload a Checklist Design CSV. For Checklist Designs with Aggregate Checklists set to Yes, this action is not available.

Exporting Checklist Designs

You can export your checklist designs and share them with other Vaults. Vault exports your designs in CSV format, allowing you to upload them to any Vault. Add the Export Checklist Design user action to any lifecycle state on a Checklist design object lifecycle to set this up. For Checklist Designs with Aggregate Checklists set to Yes, this action is not available.

This action exports all related design records including sections, questions, answers, and question dependencies. Vault sends a notification when your checklist design is ready to download along with a link to download the file. You can upload your design with the Checklist Design Loader.

How to Use Checklist Design Loader

To create a checklist design using Checklist Design Loader:

  1. Navigate to the Checklist Design record list page.
  2. Create a new Checklist Design record.
  3. From the All Actions menu on the Checklist Design record, select Upload Design Configuration. Note that the label may be different based on your configuration and the record must be in a state where the user action is configured.
  4. In the Upload Design Configuration dialog, click Choose and select the CSV file.
  5. Vault validates that the CSV file is in the proper format, includes all required columns, and does not exceed Vault limits for number of records or file size. If the file is invalid, you’ll see an error. Note that the loader does not support custom fields.
  6. Click Submit to upload the file. The Submit button will not be active for invalid files.
  7. The loader will process the CSV, create records, and send a notification when the process is complete. If the loader encounters any errors while processing the file, Vault will not create any records, and you will receive a notification. From the notification, you can download a CSV file with detailed error messages.

Template CSV File


CSV File Validation

Vault checks the CSV file to ensure that:

  • Number of unique section names in section_design__sys.name__v does not exceed 20.
  • Number of question_design__sys records for a single section does not exceed 50.
  • Number of answers in available_answer_design__sys does not exceed 10.
  • The column question_design__sys.object_type__v includes only valid options:
    • text_question__sys
    • date_question__sys
    • number_question__sys
    • multiple_choice_question__sys
  • The values for question_design__sys.question_help_text__v do not exceed 300 characters.
  • The values for question_design__sys.XXX_required__sys (for example, doc_attachments_required__sys) can only be “true” if question_design__sys.XXX_allowed__sys (for example, doc_attachments_allowed__sys) is “true.”
  • The values for question_design__sys.documents_allowed__sys and available_answer_design__sys.documents_allowed__sys include only valid options:
    • true
    • false
    • Null
  • The values for question_design__sys.documents_allowed__sys and available_answer_design__sys.documents_allowed__sys do not both contain a value of true for the same row.
  • The values for question_design__sys.documents_required__sys and available_answer_design__sys.documents_required__sys include only valid options:
    • single_document__sys
    • multiple_documents__sys
    • not_required__sys
    • Null
  • Values in question_design_sys.name__v are unique within a particular section. Note that values that appear in the CSV in this column are not uploaded to Vault. The values in this column in the CSV only define dependent questions. Since this is a system-managed field, when uploaded to Vault, the system assigns the next appropriate values for the question_design_sys.name__v field. If you export an existing checklist design and you specify existing question_design_sys.name__v field values, the next time you upload the Checklist Design using the Checklist Design Loader, Vault deletes all existing records in the checklist design and related records (sections, questions, answers, and dependencies) and replaces them with the new values from the CSV.
  • The value for question_design__sys.maximum_answer_value__sys is greater than the value for question_design__sys.minimum_answer_value__sys.
  • Values for available_answer_design__sys are unique for a specific question.
  • Values for text fields do not exceed the configured maximum number of characters.
  • Values for Yes/No (boolean) fields are either “true” or “false”.
  • Values for number fields are within the configured range.
  • Values for question_design_sys.decimal_places__sys, if present, are integers from 0 to 9.
  • Only multiple choice questions can be referenced under dependency_design__sys.controlling_question__sys.
  • For a given record, dependency_design__sys.controlling_question__sys is different from dependency_design__sys.dependent_question__sys.
  • Introduction-type section designs do not include any questions.
  • Introduction-type section designs do not include a weight (section_design_sys.weight__sys).
  • The delimiter used to separate values for values related to answer options throughout the CSV is the “;” semicolon with the exception of the “|” pipe character (unicode: U+007C, UTF-8: 7C, ascii 124) which is used to define multiple Approver Type values for answer choices in multiple choice questions in QualityOne and Quality Vaults.