Vault allows you to filter a search, your current Library view, a task view from the Home tab, or your current view in a custom document or object tab by various fields or additional search terms. You can also filter on document type and steady state version.

How to Filter by Date

To filter by a date field:

  1. Add a date field as a filter.
  2. Choose a preset time period to filter on or define a range by selecting an operator and entering dates.
  3. Click Apply. The page results update to match your date filter.

These individual date filters correspond to specific document or object fields and replace the old Date Search filter.

How to Use Faceted Field Filters

Faceted filters can narrow the current view or search results by any picklist, object field, or Yes/No field. Options for a faceted filter can appear as checkboxes or links, depending on the field type. Some filters show the (undefined) option, which means that the field is blank.

Narrow the list by selecting checkboxes or clicking links. As you change the criteria, both visible items and counts for other fields update.

If there are over 50 options, you can click View all and then search for specific values. Selected values always appear at the top of the list.

Object Reference Fields

When filtering on object reference fields within a document or object tab, Vault only includes filter values that are included in your search results.

How to Filter by User Fields

To filter by a user field:

  1. Add a user field (like Created By) as a filter.
  2. Choose a user from the picklist.
  3. Click Apply. The page results update to match your user filter.

These individual user filters correspond to specific document or object fields and replace the old Search by User filter.

How to Filter by Role Assignments

To filter by a role assignment:

  1. Add Role as a filter.
  2. Choose an application Role from the picklist.
  3. Choose a User or User Group from the picklist or choose Current User.
  4. Click Apply. The page results update to match your role assignment filter.

Filtering by role assignment is available for objects with custom and matching sharing rules enabled and documents.

Current User

If you would like to create a dynamic filter to share, use the Current User option on fields which reference Users (for example, Created By, Last Modified By, Checked Out By). When another user opens this filtered view, they’ll see results where they are referenced in that field.

The Current User option is available as a filter value on all user-related fields within documents or records. If Advanced mode is used, you must select the in, equals, or is not equal to operator before selecting Current User.

Assignment by Group

Often, a user’s role assignment is through a group, rather than directly. For example, Gladys is an Editor on CholeCap Flyer because she belongs to the CholeCap Team user group. When applying a role assignment filter, Vault includes documents and records where the user is assigned to the role through membership in a group.

How to Filter by Number Fields

To filter on a number field:

  1. Add a number field (like Year Discontinued or Dosage) as a filter.
  2. Choose an operator (like equals or is in the range) and enter numeric values.
  3. Click Apply. The page results update to match your number filter.

In some Vaults, you can filter on related object records in object tabs. For example, you can filter on related Country Decision Detail object records within the Regulatory Objective object tab in RIM Vaults. Related object filters on object tabs are only available as part of delivered Vault applications or through MDL.

To filter on related object records:

  1. Add a related object field as a filter in the Filters section within the left panel.
  2. Select related object records from the drop-down, type to find them, or click the binoculars icon to select records from the Search dialog. You can select up to 20 related object records.
  3. Click Apply. The page results update to only show object records that are related to the object records in your filter.

You can only apply one related object filter at a time. To filter on another related object, clear the applied filter.

Advanced Filter Mode

When filtering documents or object records, you can click Advanced on some filters to define complex selections using operators like is not equal to. Advanced filtering is available on:

  • Object reference fields (like Product field on documents)
  • Picklist fields (like Audience or Functional Area on documents)
  • User fields (like Created By)
  • Hierarchical fields (like Type > Subtype > Classification)

Advanced filtering is not available on certain system fields (like File Type), or sub-fields within a referenced object (like Product: Therapeutic Area on documents).

Operators for Advanced Filters

The following operators are available for Advanced mode on faceted filters:


The in operator returns results that include at least one of the filter values in the field.

Example Filter: Product in CholeCap, Nyaxa

  • Match: Product = CholeCap, Nyaxa
  • Match: Product = CholeCap, Nyaxa, WonderDrug
  • Match: Product = Nyaxa


The equals operator returns results that include all of the filter values in the field. For multi-select fields, the field on the matching document/object may contain additional values.

Example Filter: Product equals CholeCap, Nyaxa

  • Match: Product = CholeCap, Nyaxa
  • Match: Product = CholeCap, Nyaxa, WonderDrug
  • No Match: Product = Nyaxa

Is Not Equal To

The is not equal to operator returns results that do not include any of the filter values in the field.

Example Filter: Country is not equal to Japan

  • No Match: Country = United States, Japan
  • Match: Country = (undefined)
  • Match: Country = United States

Example Filter: Country is not equal to Canada, United States

  • No Match: Country = United States, Canada, Japan
  • No Match: Country = United States
  • Match: Country = (undefined)
  • Match: Country = Japan

Is Blank

The is blank operator returns results that have no selected value in the filter field. In Basic mode, this appears as (undefined).

Is Not Blank

The is not blank operator returns results that have any value selected in the filter field.


The contains operator returns any results that match any portion of the search string. Vault will match the search string to the beginning, middle, or end of a term.

Example Filter: Country contains uni

  • Match: Tunisia
  • Match: United States
  • Match: United Kingdom
  • Match: United Arab Emirates

The contains operator is only available for Picklist (except for multi-value picklists in raw objects) and Object Reference field types.

How to Edit Available Field Filters

In all views, you can customize the field filters that appear for you. When you search or choose a different view, Vault remembers which filters you selected.

There are two ways to update your list of available filters:

  • Open the Select Display Filters window. From this window, you can add or remove multiple filters at once and can also reorder the filters.
  • Use the quick add and remove options.

Using Select Display Filters

To use the Select Display Filters dialog:

  1. Click the pencil icon on the Filters heading and then the binoculars icon in the filter search field. This displays a dialog of available fields. For document tabs, the list is dependent on the document type filter. If the filter is not active, all fields are available.
  2. Double-click any field in the Available Filters list to add it.
  3. Double-click any field in the Current Filters list to remove it.
  4. Select multiple fields and add or remove using the left and right arrow buttons.
  5. Use the up and down arrow buttons on the Current Filters list to reorder filters.
  6. Click Apply.

Using Quick Add & Remove

To use the quick add and remove options:

  • Click the X (remove) icon that appears with the filter to remove that filter from the sidebar.
  • Click the pencil icon on the Filters heading and then search for a field to add it as a filter in the sidebar.

Available Filters in Task Views

When filtering a task view, the list of available filters will vary based on the kind of tasks that are assigned or available to you.

  • If you have both document and object record tasks, you only see task-related filters that are shared by both types.
  • If you only have document tasks (or if you’ve filtered to only show document tasks), you see filters related to document fields.
  • If you have object record tasks for a single object (or if you’ve filtered to only show a single object), you see filters related to the object fields.
  • If no tasks are assigned to you, you see all filters. This occurs because you have no assigned or available tasks that Vault can use to logically limit the available filter list.

Default Library Filters

Your Vault’s Admins can modify which filters appear by default in the Library. These default filters may vary by selected document type. When you edit your own list of filters, Vault automatically reapplies that list every time you open the Library.

About Applied Filters

Applied filters appear above the document, task, or object list. From there, you can clear all filters or click the X icon next to a specific filter to remove it.

Vault preserves applied filters when adding or modifying a search term in the main search box or adding criteria from Advanced Search.