The Create Draft action allows you to start a new drafting cycle on a document. Typically, users create a new draft version for a document that is currently in a major version. Vault does not execute document state entry actions or entry criteria for drafts created with the Create Draft action. You must have the Version permission to access this option.
How to Create a New Draft Version of a Document
To create a new draft version for a document:
- Select Create Draft from the Actions menu.
- Vault prompts you to upload the new version’s source file (subject to source file limitations) or to copy and reuse the current source file. The option to copy and reuse the current source file is only available if both the source file and rendition are each 4 GB or less.
- Enter a Version Description for the update. Other users may view this description in the document’s Version History.
After uploading the document, Vault creates a new minor version and sets the document status to the starting state for the associated lifecycle, typically Draft.
Note: An Admin must enable the option to reuse a document’s source file when creating a new draft version. Additionally, this option is only available if both the document source file and rendition are each 4 GB or less. If this option is not available, you must select a source file for upload.
Versioning Documents in Active Workflows
By default, when you version a document which is in an active workflow using the Create Draft action, Vault also versions the document in the workflow so that the workflow is always associated with the latest document version. However, if the workflow is configured by an Admin to use the Create Draft maintains current version option, Vault increments the document’s minor version while the workflow remains on the previous major document version. With this option, the document’s version in the workflow remains until a major version update occurs.
Note: The Create Draft maintains current version workflow configuration option is visible but does not apply to some Quality document workflows.
How to Create a New Draft Version of a Binder
To create a new draft version for a binder, select Create Draft from the Actions menu. Vault creates a new minor version and sets the binder status to the starting state for the associated lifecycle, typically Draft.
Versioning & Permissions
This section outlines some of the details regarding versioning and permissions for new draft versions.
- When creating a new draft version, Vault increments the version number by 0.1. For example, if the document is version 1.0, the new draft is version 1.1.
- Vault does not change the original version. Users who do not have permission to see draft versions will continue to see the prior version.
- If a workflow was active on the previous version, the workflow will remain associated with that prior version.
- The new draft version will follow the same lifecycle as a newly created document or binder.
Eligible Documents
The Create Draft action is not available on documents in Planned state or content placeholders.
Related Permissions
The following document role permissions control your ability to use the Create Draft action:
Document Role
- Version
- Controls ability to use the Create Draft action.
- View Content
- Controls ability to view a document’s viewable rendition.
- View Document
- Controls ability to view that a document exists and view its metadata.