You can create unclassified documents by dragging and dropping them to your Document Inbox or by uploading them via the Create button. Vault sets the document type on these documents to Unclassified.

Drag & Drop to Document Inbox

You can drag and drop up to 250 supported files from your computer directly into your Document Inbox at once. While Vault uploads the files, you can drag and drop additional files into your Document Inbox or navigate to other pages in your Vault while monitoring the progress in a status dialog.

Upload Status

When Vault begins to upload files that you’ve dragged into your Document Inbox, you’ll see a dialog in the bottom right of the screen that lists the status of all files you are uploading to Vault. While Vault is working on uploading your files, you are free to perform any other operations within Vault. Click the inbox icon (Inbox Icon) in the status dialog to return to your Document Inbox from anywhere in Vault.

Click on the arrow icon (Arrow Icons) to open or close the status dialog. Note that the dialog will re-open if you drag and drop additional documents into the Document Inbox when Vault is still processing a previous file upload.

Navigate to Inbox

Status Icons

The arrow icon’s color indicates the status of the total number of files that you dragged and dropped into your Document Inbox since the status dialog was last opened.

Icon Displayed Description
Status Progress Open When status dialog is open File upload is in progress
Status Progress Closed When status dialog is closed File upload is in progress
Status Complete Open When status dialog is open File upload is complete, and all documents were created successfully
Status Complete Closed When status dialog is closed File upload is complete, and all documents were created successfully
Status Failed Open When status dialog is open File upload is complete, but one or more documents failed to create
Status Failed Closed When status dialog is closed File upload is complete, but one or more documents failed to create

Canceling Document Upload

You can cancel a bulk file upload at any time. To cancel an upload, click on the X icon in the top right of the status dialog. Then, click on the X icon again to confirm the cancelation. This only cancels the upload of files that had not finished uploading at the time. For example, if you were creating 50 documents and 35 files had finished uploading before you cancel the upload, Vault would still create unclassified documents for the 35 uploaded files.

Clicking on the X icon after all uploads are complete removes the status dialog from your view.

Note that closing your internet browser, closing your browser tab, or refreshing your page before file upload is complete cancels all remaining uploads.


The following limitations affect uploading unclassified documents to your Document Inbox:

  • There is a maximum of 250 files per drop
  • Files must be under 4GB
  • You cannot upload zero (0) byte files
  • Filenames cannot exceed 218 bytes
  • The file must be a supported format type
  • If you’re using Internet Explorer, we recommend using newer versions (V11+) as we cannot guarantee the Document Inbox drag and drop functionality in older versions

Creating Unclassified Documents via the Create Button

You can also create unclassified documents in the same way as you create other documents with an uploaded source file. From the Upload Files page, simply choose Classify documents later to bypass the steps to select a document type and populate fields.