Within a binder template, you can configure planned documents. When users create binders from the template, Vault will also create these documents. This article explains setting up and managing planned documents within a binder template. See Working with Planned Documents for information on using planned documents once you’ve created a binder from a template.

About Planned Documents

Vault automatically assigns documents to the Planned lifecycle state when a user creates a binder from a template that includes planned documents. In the Planned state, no document fields are required except Document Name. Vault auto-populates the Document Name field based on the planned document configuration within the binder template. If you use a custom document name format, you can use tokens for the document name. Vault also auto-populates some document fields based on binder values.

Planned documents have a lifecycle and document type. To choose a specific lifecycle for a planned document, the Planned state must be active for that lifecycle.

When creating planned documents, you can choose whether to use a document template. If you do not select a document template, Vault creates the planned document as a content placeholder.

Permissions for Configuring Planned Documents

To create and edit binder templates, including adding planned documents, you must have a security profile that grants Templates permissions.

To enable planned documents for a given lifecycle state, you must have the Lifecycles and Workflows: Edit permission.

How to Enable Planned Documents

The only step required to enable planned documents is to enable the Planned lifecycle state for each lifecycle where planned documents are allowed. Planned state is a standard state, which is available by default in all lifecycles, but not auto-enabled.

To enable this lifecycle state:

  1. Navigate to Configuration > Document Lifecycles > [Lifecycle Name] > States.
  2. Click on Planned to view the state details page.
  3. Click Edit and change the status to Active.
  4. Click Save.

For a given lifecycle, you can also disable Planned state at any time, unless there are currently documents in Planned state or binder templates that use planned documents.

How to Configure Planned State

Planned state does not include all configuration options available for other states, but does include options on the Details, Security Settings, and User Actions tabs of the state details page. When configuring, be sure to add at least one user action or workflow for Planned state so that users are able to move the document into another state.

How to Add Planned Documents to a Binder Template

  1. From the binder template details page, click Edit in the Binder Structure area.
  2. Select Add Planned Document from the Actions menu for a section.
  3. Select a document type.
  4. Choose a Lifecycle for the document. For a lifecycle to be available, the Planned state must be enabled and the lifecycle must be associated to the selected document type.
  5. Optional: Choose a document template that Vault will use to create the planned document. If you leave this blank, Vault creates the planned document as a content placeholder.
  6. Enter a Planned Name for the document. The name can be up to 500 characters.
    • The Planned Name field accepts static text and tokens for the fields of the parent binder template’s document type. This field does not accept tokens for the document type of the planned document itself.
    • Vault ignores the token when rendering the name for the new document if the token points to a blank field. If the Planned Name field only contains tokens which Vault cannot resolve and contains no static text, the document name defaults to Planned.
  7. Click OK.

How to Modify Planned Documents

After adding a planned document to a binder template, you can modify or delete it at any time by selecting Edit or Delete from the document Actions menu within the binder template. You must be in edit mode for the binder template structure to access the menu.