The Study Training application allows Study Managers, or authorized users, to refine training plans and assignments based on a Learner’s association with a Study, and can further refine the training set by Study Country and Study Site. In addition to standard Training matrix setup, Study Managers will want to set up a few components specific to Study Training.

For example, if the Study Manager wanted participants in a study at the “Dr. Vern & Associates” site to receive site-specific training, they could select the Dr. Vern & Associates Study Site record in the appropriate Curriculum. When Training automation creates Training Assignments, it will check that the Learner is associated with Dr. Vern & Associates before assigning that Curriculum’s set of training requirements.

You can automate many of the setup steps described in this article using the standard Study Training to Clinical Operations Vault Connection.

About Study Training Matching Rules

When a Study Manager adds a Person to a Study, Vault creates a Study Learner Role-Person relationship record which includes a system-managed matching rule. Based on that matching rule, Study Training filters the Curricula associated with the Study Learner Role to only those Curricula appropriate for the Study, Study Country, or Study Site, and assigns them via Training automation.

Setup Overview

Study Managers should perform the following during Study Training matrix setup:

  1. Create Study, Study Country, and Study Site records to suit your needs.
  2. Create Study Learner Roles.
  3. Create Study Curricula and specify Study, Study Country, or Study Site.
  4. Create any necessary CrossLinks to training documents in other Vaults.
  5. Create Training Requirements and, optionally, specify Study metadata.

If enabled, the Study Training Matrix Builder allows an authorized user to rapidly assemble the training needs for a given Study.

Study Training uses a combination of metadata in the form of Study, Study Site, and Study Country to match training to the correct Learners. If configured, the Study Training to Clinical Operations Vault Connection will transfer study-related data to your Study Training Vault. However, to set up matching for a given study, Study Managers should first create a Study record:

  1. Navigate to Business Admin > Studies or to a custom Study object tab.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Fill in the required details, including a Study Number.
  4. Click Save.

Once the Study record is saved, the Study Manager should create any necessary Study Country values:

  1. On the Study record details page, navigate to the Study Countries section.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Select a Country record. If the intended value isn’t available, an Admin may need to add it to the Vault.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Repeat as necessary for all countries associated with the Study.

Once the Study Countries have been populated, the Study Manager should create any necessary Study Site values:

  1. On the Study record details page, navigate to the Study Sites section.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Enter a Study Site number.
  4. In the Study Country field, select one of the Study Countries created via the above steps.
  5. If the site is associated with an organization, select it in the Organization field.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Repeat as necessary for all sites associated with the Study.

Creating Study Learner Roles

Study Training uses the relationship between Study Learner Role and Person to match users with the appropriate training content. Once all Study-related records have been populated, the Study Manager should next ensure that all necessary Learner Roles of the Study Learner Role object type exist in the Vault.

Optionally, for each Study Learner Role record, select the associated Study Team Role picklist value. If configured, the Study Training to Clinical Operations Vault Connection will transfer and map any Study Learner Role data to your Study Training Vault.

A training matrix can include up to 50 Study Learner Roles referencing a single Study.

Creating Study Curricula

In order to work with Study Training matching rules, when Study Managers create Curricula, they must be of the Study Curriculum object type. Each Study Curriculum is associated with a Study, and a Study Manager may also associate it with a Study Country, Study Site, and, optionally, a Study Team Role.

A training matrix can include up to 200 Study Curricula referencing a single Study.

To create a Study Curriculum:

  1. Navigate to Business Admin > Curricula or to a custom Study Curriculum object tab.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Enter a Name.
  4. Select a Study. If this is the only study-related value you select in the curriculum, then Study Training will assign this curriculum to all Persons added to that Study.
  5. Optional: Select a Study Country. Selecting a country causes Study Training to exclude this curriculum for Persons with any other (or no) Study Country value selected when added to the Study.
  6. Optional: Select a Study Site. Selecting a site causes Study Training to exclude this curriculum for Persons with any other (or no) Study Site value selected when added to the Study.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Repeat as necessary to cover all necessary Study, Study Country, and Study Site scenarios.

Creating Training Requirements for Study Training

Once a Study Manager has created their Study Curricula with appropriate matching data, they can create Training Requirements, populate them with Training Materials, including CrossLink documents. Then, either use them in the matrix builder or add them manually to the appropriate Study Curricula:

  1. On the Training Requirement object details page, navigate to the Curricula section.
  2. Click Add.
  3. Optional: As the number of Study Curricula in a Study Training Vault can be large, use the Filter section to narrow your selection to the Curricula for a particular Study,
  4. Select the Curricula to which you want to add the Training Requirement.
  5. Click OK.

Study Managers can optionally add Study, Study Country, and Study Site values to a Training Requirement. When Vault creates a Training Assignment from that Training Requirement, it also copies these values over to the Training Assignment. This can be useful for reporting data.

Study Training allows you to add CrossLink documents from other Vaults, such as an eTMF Vault, to Training Requirements as Training Materials. Ensure that the CrossLink is in a training-eligible lifecycle state, and that the source binding rule is set to Specific Document Version. If configured, the Study Training to Clinical Operations Vault Connection will create CrossLinks for appropriate documents in your Study Training Vault automatically when such documents reach their steady state.

To update a CrossLink training document, follow these steps:

  1. In the Study Training Vault, perform the Create Draft action on the CrossLink document.
  2. In the source Vault, update the source document.
  3. In the Study Training Vault, move the CrossLink document to the Approved lifecycle state.

Updated CrossLink documents can trigger Training Requirement Impact Assessments just like documents that reside in the Study Training Vault.

Assigning Persons to a Study

As the final step of Study Training matrix setup, Study Managers should assign Persons to Studies, allowing automation to determine which Study Curricula to assign. To allow Study Managers or other authorized users to to assign Persons to a Study, a Vault Admin should add the LearnerRole-Person object to the Study object page layout.

To assign Persons to a Study:

  1. Navigate to Business Admin > Studies or to a custom Study object tab and click into a Study record.
  2. In the Study Persons section, click Create.
  3. Select a Learner Role.
  4. Optional: Select a Study Country.
  5. Optional. Select a Study Site.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Repeat as necessary to assign additional Persons to the Study.

Once you add the Learner as a Study Person, the next time the training automation job runs, it will assign a set of training filtered down to their Study, Study Country, or Study Site.

Creating Role Dependency Records

Study Training can automatically create User Role and User Role Setup records based on the user’s Study Learner Role. This ensures that users, such as CRAs, can see the right information based on their study team role, study, country, or site.

To use this feature, you need to create Role Dependency records for Learner Roles and Application Roles:

  1. Navigate to Business Admin > Study Learner Roles or to a custom Study Learner Roles object tab and click into a Study Learner Role record.
  2. Under Role Dependencies, click Create.
  3. Select a Study Level for the secondary role: Study.
  4. Select a Target Application Role.
  5. Click Save.

Role Dependency Use Case

The following steps describe an example use case alongside the preconditions and process by which Study Training auto-creates records at the Study level:

  1. A Training Admin creates Role Dependencies for a Learner Role and populates the fields as follows:
    • Target Application Role: Trainee
    • Parent Training Role: CRA (This refers to a CRA Learner Role record.)
    • Study Level: Study
  2. The selected Trainee Application Role record has an assigned Permission Set called Training: Learner User Actions.
  3. The Training Admin assigns a user (Person) to the CRA Learner Role for the CHLCAP123 Study.
  4. Study Training automatically creates User Role Setup records based on existing Role Dependency data via hourly jobs. In our example, each job performs the following:
    • The Clinical to Study Training User Management job creates a User Role record for the user for the Trainee Application Role.
    • The Study Training: Sync Security Records job creates a User Role Setup record for the user for the CRA role in the CHLCAP123 Study.
  5. The user’s permissions are automatically limited to those defined in the Trainee Application Role’s permission set, Training: Learner User Actions.

Study Team Roles

Study Team Roles in Study Training are mapped to Study Team Roles in your Clinical Operations Vault. Multiple roles in Clinical Operations can be mapped to a role in Study Training. For example, CRA - Blinded and CRA - Unblinded in Clinical Operations can both map to a Clinical Monitoring role in Study Training. However, a Study Team Role in Clinical Operations cannot be mapped to multiple learner roles in Study Training.

Study Managers require a security profile with the following permissions to create and manage a Study Training matrix:

  • Read, Create, Edit, and Delete permissions for the following Study Training objects:
    • Study
    • Study Country
    • Study Site
  • Read, Create, Edit, and Delete permissions for the standard Training matrix objects.