Vault Training manages role-based qualification and training to support job and audit readiness while demonstrating compliance. It gives companies the tools necessary to deliver the right content to the right learners. As part of the Quality Suite of applications, content development, changes and delivery, and role readiness become a seamless, continuous lifecycle.

Vault Training allows the configuration and maintenance of a training matrix, which includes Learner Roles, Curricula, and Training Requirements. Changes to the training matrix automatically push Training Assignment records and workflow tasks to users for completion. Additionally, document revisions you perform in QualityDocs can trigger assignment of workflow tasks to users.

Vault Training Objects

Vault Training operates using four (4) core objects:

  • Learner Roles are functional roles or job roles associated with a Person object. For example, Jim may be assigned the Solid Dosage Specialist learner role, as he needs to be trained for this area at his company.
  • Curricula records represent the training requirements needed to complete a certain curriculum. Learners may need to complete one or several curricula to fulfill the qualifications of a learner role, depending on their company’s training model.
  • Training Requirements are the individual content that makes up a curriculum. Learners must satisfy all requirements to complete a curriculum.
  • Training Assignments are what learners interact with. These can be tasks such as reading documents and completing workflows or quizzes.

Here is an example of how you may set up a training matrix:

simplified training data model

In this example:

  • The learner is assigned a learner role that is associated with three (3) total curricula. One (1) curriculum is eligible for training, as represented by the solid line.
  • The eligible curriculum contains six (6) eligible training requirements, which can contain any of the listed training materials.

To issue assignments, Vault checks the lifecycle state of each object record. If all are in eligible states, learners are issued a training assignment for each requirement. In this example, Vault assigns the learner six (6) total training assignments.

Vault Training Features

Vault Training is built using Vault, so it shares all of the features and functionality of the platform product. In addition to those features, Vault Training has:

  • Automated Creation and Dissemination of Training Assignments: Vault Training utilizes scheduled jobs to create automation within the application. Vault creates Training Assignment object records automatically based on the lifecycle state of the core Training objects. When an Admin updates a user’s Learner Role or makes changes to Curriculum or Training Requirement object records, Vault automatically assigns the relevant Training Assignments to the user. For more information on how Vault creates Training Assignments, see Configuring Vault Training.
  • Training Matrix Visualization is a useful tool for Training Admins and Managers to understand a given Person, Curriculum, Learner Role, Training Requirement, or Training Requirement Impact Assessment training matrix record’s relationship to the other matrix records in your Vault Training or Study Training Vault. This illustrated depiction of your organization’s training matrix in a single view allows for easier review of related training matrix elements, without navigating to the records individually or running a report.
  • Learner Homepage: An intuitive, easy to use dashboard that provides the Learner with an overview of their open assignments. Assignment cards display key information such as the related Curriculum, estimated completion time, the training document’s Effective Date, due date, categories, and more. For more information, see About the Learner Homepage.
  • Training Dashboard: The Training Dashboard shows the progress of training programs, at-risk qualifications and training assignments, and allows training managers to take actions on items.
  • Manager Access: Vault Training assigns the Direct Manager application role for a given Learner to the Learner’s Manager group on each of the Learner’s training records: Training Assignments, Assignment Details, TA Checklists, TA Responses, Class Schedules, Class Rosters, Sessions, and Session Rosters. This allows the Learner’s manager to view assignments of their direct reports, as well as view their training status on the My Team page (Manager Homepage). The Learner’s Manager group may also receive workflow tasks, such as verifying proof of completion for Configuring External Training Requirements.
  • QualityDocs Interaction: Admins are able to define entry actions on document lifecycle states that automatically trigger the assigning of user tasks, such as Read & Understood workflows, to the appropriate users. For more information, see QualityDocs Overview.
  • Direct Assignments: Direct assignments allow you to issue training assignments to learners as-needed, separately from the system-managed job process. For more information, see Direct Assignments.
  • Quizzes: Optional components for Training Requirements to aid or assess the user’s understanding of the training material. See Completing Vault Training Assignments and Configuring Vault Training Quizzes for more information.
  • Instructor-Led, External, and On-the-Job Training: These Training Requirement types allow for in-person classroom training or training and evaluations that occur outside of Vault. See Configuring Classroom Training Requirements, Configuring External Training Requirements, and Configuring On-the-Job Training for more information. A newer, simplified experience for Instructors is available in Instructor-Led Training.
  • Facilitated Training: Enables users with proper access to give completion credit for Training Assignments on behalf of Learners. This allows completion of Vault document Training Assignments for Learners that may not have access to Vault. For example, in some organizations, users could be contractors, external employees, temporary employees, or otherwise outside the primary organization. See Working with Facilitated Training for more information.
  • E-Learning Content Support: Provides a dynamic and engaging method of digital training that can include video, interactive elements, navigable information, and quizzes. Vault Training supports several e-learning content standards. See Setting Up E-Learning Content Support for more information.
  • LearnGxP ContentDirect delivers LearnGxP E-Learning courses directly to subscriber Training Vaults. See LearnGxP ContentDirect for more information.
  • Substitute Training: Vault can assign an alternative, or substitute, Training Assignment to a Learner in place of a required, or primary, Training Assignment using Training Admin-defined substitution rules. See Substitute Training Requirements for more information.
  • Prerequisite Training: Allows a Training Admin to require that certain training, which is a prerequisite, is completed first before the next set of training, which has a prerequisite, can be completed by a Learner. See Prerequisite Training Requirements for more information.
  • Assign Effective Version: Issue a training assignment which includes steady state versions of documents, in addition to the standard training assignment. See Configuring Vault Document Training Requirements for more information.
  • Self-Enrollment: Learners can self-enroll in Training Requirements that have been made available for self-enrollment by Training Admins. Learners can browse or search for courses that interest them and enroll on the Learner Homepage.
  • Dynamic Enrollment: Reduce the time spent assigning Learner Roles to Persons by creating Dynamic Enrollment Rules, matching Persons to Learner Roles via field data comparison between Learner Role and Person records.
  • Curriculum Matching: Reduce the number of granular Learner Roles by creating Curriculum Matching Rules, matching Learners to their training via field data comparison between Curriculum and Person records.
  • Curriculum Outcomes: When your organization’s training program requires Learners to complete training on Vault functionality before an Admin grants access to that functionality, Curriculum Outcomes can automatically perform this process based on a set of predefined Outcome records.
  • Curriculum Completion Tracking uses the Curriculum Completion Status object to detail the training completion status of individual Learners at the Curriculum level.
  • Supplemental Materials are training-optional documents a Training Admin includes in a Vault Document Training Requirement to provide context or a reference to Learners while they complete assignments for training-required materials, such as SOPs.

About Read & Understood

QualityDocs Vaults use the Read & Understood (R&U) feature set, including the Read and Understood workflow and the one-click Training Report.

To avoid user or Admin confusion, current QualityDocs customers enabling the Training application should consider:

  • Updating document lifecycle configuration to prevent the legacy Read and Understood document workflow from being used. The Training application uses a workflow in the Training Assignment object lifecycle to issue Vault Document Training Assignments to Learners.
  • Hiding the Training Report from the document Actions menu. Otherwise, this report may appear blank or outdated, depending on when your organization stopped using the legacy R&U workflow.