The Quality Relationships panel on the Doc Info page allows users to view, create, or remove document relationships to other Quality Suite objects, such as Visual Hierarchies, Stations, Training Requirements, or Document Change Requests. Vault may show or hide the panel depending on your permissions and the available applications. Creating document relationships to Document Change Requests is only available on the latest steady state document version.

Using the Quality Relationships Panel

The Quality Relationships panel is accessible on the Doc Info page for a document. To open the Quality Relationships panel, click the ribbon icon (Quality Relationships Panel Ribbon) on the right pane. Clicking the relationship panes expands or collapses a list of related object records. Each relationship pane displays up to five (5) records. You can hover over a record’s name to view additional information or click its hyperlink to open it in a new browser tab. If there are many related records, you can click View all when a relationship pane is expanded to open a searchable list panel that displays up to 25 records per page.

Adding a Relationship

Click the plus (+) icon on a relationship pane to open a record search dialog. To relate a record, select the checkbox next to the record name, then click Save.

Removing a Relationship

To remove a relationship, hover over a record in the relationship pane and click the X icon.

The following permissions affect a user’s ability to use the Quality Relationships panel:

Type Permission Label Controls
Security Profile Object: Visual Hierarchy: Read Ability to view relationships in the Process Navigator pane.
Security Profile Object: Hierarchy Document: Create, Delete Ability to add and remove relationships in the Process Navigator pane.
Security Profile Object: Station: Read Ability to view relationships in the Stations pane.
Security Profile Object: Station Document: Create, Delete Ability to add and remove relationships in the Stations pane.
Security Profile Object: Training Requirement: Read Ability to view relationships in the Training Requirements pane.
Security Profile Object: Training Content Set: Create, Delete Ability to add and remove relationships in the Training Requirements pane.
Security Profile Object: Training Content Set-Document: Create, Delete Ability to add and remove relationships in the Training Requirements pane.
Security Profile Object: Document Change Request: Read, Create, Delete Ability to add and remove relationships in the Document Change Request pane.