If configured by your Admin, Vault QMS can capture key demographic information about auditors, and manage the variety of qualifications that may be required for an auditor to perform any given role on various types of audits. Demographic information is at the discretion of your organization, but may include information such as primary and secondary spoken languages or travel authorizations. This type of information helps address scenarios where it can be difficult to know which personnel are authorized to perform a role on an audit.

The Auditor Profiles & Qualifications feature’s core objects are:

  • Auditor Profile: Representing each auditor in your organization, data describing them, and information regarding their status towards qualifications for various roles they are eligible to perform in your organization’s auditing programs.
  • Auditor Role: Representing the various Roles that auditors may perform during audits, and the qualifications required to perform them.
  • Qualifications to Complete: Represents the unique set of qualifications that must be completed to qualify for one or many auditor roles.
  • Role Qualification Status: Represents the status of an auditor’s progress towards qualification for an auditor role.

Creating Auditor Profiles

The Auditor Profile object stores, and is related to, information which you can use to determine the qualification of a potential auditor and allow that auditor to be selected in the Quality Team of any given Audit record. Auditor Profiles are generally kept quite simple, but yours may have additional configured fields beyond those described in this article, at the discretion of your organization.

To create an Auditor Profile:

  1. Navigate to an Auditor Profile custom object tab or to Business Admin > Auditor Profile.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Fill in the required details.
  4. Select a User to associate the Auditor Profile to.
  5. Click Save.

Once saved, the profile may have Auditor Roles associated with it, indicating that this profile is tracking qualifications against those roles, via the Auditor Qualification Status section on the Auditor Profile page layout.

Auditor Qualification Status

The Auditor Qualification Status section on the Auditor Profile object detail page is the central repository of, and primary point of interaction for information related to an auditor’s readiness to be assigned on Audit records. In this section, you can add Auditor Roles and manage their associated qualifications. If there are no roles available in your Vault, you or an Admin may need to define Auditor Roles.

Adding Auditor Roles to an Auditor Profile

To add Auditor Roles, click the + Auditor Roles button in the Auditor Qualification Status section of an Auditor Profile record detail page, and select from the Auditor Roles available in your system.

Defining Auditor Roles

Auditor Roles represent the duties that an auditor may need to perform in various types of audits. Roles are generally defined with a Name and a Description. Auditor Roles are intended for use with one or more Role Qualification Criteria describing the requirements needing to be satisfied in order for an Auditor to be qualified for this role.

Creating Auditor Roles

To create a new Auditor Role:

  1. Navigate to an Auditor Role custom object tab or to Business Admin > Auditor Role.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Fill in the required details. This should include any fields to be used for ensuring Auditors with this role gain the appropriate rights throughout the system.
  4. Select an Application Role to associate the Auditor Role to. This will be used to ensure Auditors with this role gain the appropriate rights throughout the system.
  5. Click Save.

With the role defined, you should then associate Role Qualification Criteria.

Defining Role Qualification Criteria

Role Qualification Criteria define the specific requirements to be satisfied on an Auditor’s path to qualify for a specific Auditor Role. Role Qualification Criteria may be unique to an Auditor Role, or may be a part of several Auditor Roles across the system.

If the same Role Qualification Criteria is utilized by multiple Auditor Roles, an auditor only needs to satisfy it one time for it to count for every role their profile is associated with.

Creating Role Qualification Criteria

To create a new Role Qualification Criteria:

  1. Navigate to an Auditor Role custom object tab or to Business Admin > Auditor Role.
  2. Select the desired Auditor Role.
  3. In the Required Qualification Criteria section, Click Add.
  4. In the pop-up dialog, click +Create.
  5. Fill in the required details.
  6. Optional: Indicate if this role requires requalification, and specify the frequency to be used if so.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Optional: Select the newly created Role Qualification Criteria to associate it to your role.
  9. Optional: Click OK.

Once created, you can associate a Role Qualification Criteria with any Auditor Role from that record’s detail page.