Duplicate Check allows Vault QMS users to determine whether a Quality Event or Complaint is a duplicate or follow-up of another such record using an intelligent and streamlined interface. With this feature configured, Vault can simplify a complex manual process with a simple user action where text search terms are automatically suggested by Vault. After performing the user action, the user is shown a set of potential records along with their similarity score in a side-by-side comparison user interface. When the analysis is complete, Vault stores the results and automatically transitions duplicate Quality Events or Complaints to the appropriate lifecycle states, as determined by your configuration.

Supported Objects

The Duplicate Check feature supports records of the Complaint object as well as the Complaint and MedTech Complaint object types for the Quality Event object.

How Duplicate Checks Work

When you perform the record check user action from a Complaint or Quality Event, Vault uses an advanced search algorithm to check certain text fields on the current object record against the same fields on applicable past object records.

Vault presents the results of this comparison in an easily understandable interface, showing only the most relevant record data from only the most relevant records. From here, you can review each record for potential duplication and provide the appropriate verdicts to complete your analysis.

When you complete the check, Vault automatically transitions duplicate or follow-up Quality Events or Complaints to the appropriate lifecycle states, triggering additional workflows or follow-up activities. Vault also stores a summary of the check you have completed as a related Record Check Result record on the current object record.

Completing a Duplicate Check

To complete a duplicate check:

  1. From the target object record, select the Run Record Check action from the Actions menu. The label of the action may differ depending on your Vault configuration. If there is a record check of the same type in-progress for the record, you will be prompted to either discard or resume it.
  2. In the Run Record Check dialog, select the Type of duplicate check to run from the drop-down. The dialog box displays the match criteria that Vault uses to search for duplicates.
  3. Optional: If the Suggested Match Terms box is displayed and editable, you can add or remove terms as needed. These are the terms Vault will search for in previous object record fields.
  4. Click Continue. Vault performs the record check.
  5. Once the record check is complete, Vault displays the applicable results in the record check interface. Review the presented records, select relationship verdicts as needed.
  6. If the check includes more than one rule to evaluate against, you can click Next Rule or Previous Rule to navigate between them. You cannot select different relationship verdicts for the same record during the check.
  7. Once your review is complete, click Review. You must select one record as an Original before this button becomes available.
  8. Review your record check results. You can navigate between record check matches to compare them against the record identified as the original.
  9. Make any updates to editable fields on the record identified as the original. Your role and the lifecycle state of the record affects your ability to edit fields, per the Atomic Security settings in your Vault.
  10. Once you have reviewed the check, click Complete.

Vault automatically changes the lifecycle states of the records you have provided relationships for, as determined by your processes. Depending on the configuration of the duplicate check by your Admin, Vault may copy any attachments on those records to the one marked as original. If this occurs, duplicate attachments will be skipped, and existing attachments that have been updated are versioned to maintain the version history.

For example, selecting an is a Duplicate of relationship on a record may result in the record being changed to a Duplicate lifecycle state. If configured by an Admin, you can perform a user action on the Record Check Result record to create a report document with summary details.

Re-Running a Duplicate Check

If you perform the duplicate check user action, and the current object record has a completed Record Check Result related record, Vault displays the Prior Record Check Complete dialog with several options:

  • Cancel: Do not perform the record check.
  • Supersede Latest: Perform the record check and, when complete, supersede only the most recent Record Check Result data, while preserving older Record Check Results.
  • Supersede All: Perform the record check and supersede all previous Record Check Results on this record.
  • Preserve: Perform the record check and do not supersede any previous Record Check Results.

You must have the following permissions to use duplicate checks:

Type Permission Controls
Security Profile Object: Quality Event: [object type]: Read, Edit Ability to view Quality Event records of this object type in the record check interface and add relationship data during review
Security Profile Object: Complaint: Read, Edit Ability to view Complaint records in the record check interface and add relationship data during review
Security Profile Object: Record Check Rule Detail: Read, Edit Ability to see and edit duplicate check rules.
Security Profile Object: Record Check Result: [object type]: Read, Edit Ability to view and edit Record Check Results and records of this object type
Security Profile Object: Record Check Match Record: [object type]: Read, Edit Ability to view and edit Record Check Match records of this object type