All Training Assignment tasks in your My Tasks view require an eSignature to indicate you have read and understand the material. Some Training Assignments, however, require additional actions such as passing a quiz or attending an instructor-led training session. You can access Vault Training assignments via the Learner homepage, your My Tasks view, or a link in a notification. Training assignments and quizzes can be accessed in mobile device browsers. Users with delegate access cannot take quizzes for or complete Training Assignments on behalf of another user.

Accessing Training Assignments on a Mobile Device

You can access Training Assignments with a mobile interface using either a mobile device browser or the Vault Mobile app. When viewing an assignment with multiple documents in the mobile interface, tap View Training to start viewing documents or to resume where you left off. When viewing a document, you can tap Next to progress to the next document. Assignments that can be completed in the mobile interface display a Complete button, which becomes available once all requirements in the assignment have been met.

The mobile interface also includes the following functions:

Icon Function
exit Gives you a choice to either return to your Vault homepage in the desktop interface, or to log out of Vault.
close Returns you to the assignment description and document list.
info Displays document data such as the Name, Version, and Effective Date.

Mobile Limitations

Workflow tasks that require field input on completion are not supported for training assignments on mobile interfaces.

Completing a Document Training Assignment

If a Vault document training assignment does not have an associated quiz, you can complete it with the Complete Training button:

  1. Navigate to the Learner homepage or your My Tasks view.
  2. Click a Training Assignment task.
  3. Review all provided training material. If the assignment includes multiple documents, they are listed on the task page. Materials may be required or optional (supplemental) and include documents, videos, or e-learning content.
  4. Click Complete Training.
  5. Complete the fields in the Complete Training dialog.
  6. Click Complete.

If your security role permissions do not permit viewing one or more of the required documents in the assignment, the document will not appear, and you will be unable to complete the assignment. In such a case, contact your training administrator.

About Supplemental Materials

Supplemental Materials are training-optional documents included in an assignment to provide context to the required materials. For example, a training-required SOP references a job manual with step-by-step instructions, and so the manual is included in the assignment for optional review while you read and confirm your understanding of the SOP. You can also note the manual’s Vault Library location for future reference while following the SOP day to day.

About E-Learning Training Materials

You can view dynamic e-learning content by clicking Launch Content. The content launches in a new browser window and may include embedded interactive elements, such as quizzes. Ensure that you follow all instructions within the e-learning content and fully interact with the course before closing it.

If you leave and return to the training, click Resume Content to pick up where you left off. E-learning content may include a session timer, which automatically logs you out of the content after a specified period.

For some e-learning content, the browser must have Flash enabled. E-learning courses may not be optimized for a mobile interface. Check with your Admin to ensure the e-learning material you are attempting to view is mobile-optimized.

Resetting E-Learning Course Progress

Many e-learning courses specify the total number of times you can attempt to pass a quiz. This information is configured within the e-learning course when it is created.

If you reach this limit, Vault locks the course and prompts you to contact an Admin to reset your progress.

Completing a Training Assignment With a Quiz

Your training assignment may require you to complete a quiz, indicated by a Take Quiz button on the task page. To complete an assignment with a quiz:

  1. Navigate to the Learner homepage or your My Tasks view.
  2. Click a Training Assignment task.
  3. Perform the necessary training. This may include reviewing all provided training materials or attending instructor-led sessions.
  4. Click Take Quiz. If there are limited attempts for the quiz, Vault displays the number of remaining attempts next to Take Quiz.
  5. A pop-up displays information about the quiz. Click Continue to begin the quiz, or Cancel to return to the document.
  6. Introductory or reference material may be provided. Click on an available item to open it in a new browser tab.
  7. Read each question carefully, and select answers for each question.
  8. When you have answered all the available questions, click Review.
  9. If you are satisfied with your answers, click Complete to finish and to have the quiz graded.
  10. The results of your quiz determine the next steps, as described below.

About Failed Quizzes

  • The red banner at the top of the page tells you your result, including your percentage score, your point total, and the required passing percentage.
  • Below the ribbon, each question is displayed with its point value and the points you earned on the question (zero points if you answered incorrectly).
  • If your answer to a question was incorrect, an X appears next to your answer.
  • Click Retake Quiz to return to the document, where you may click Take Quiz to try again.
  • If quiz attempts are limited and you have failed the quiz too many times, the quiz locks and cannot be reattempted until a specified time period has passed or it is unlocked by a Training Admin or manager.

About Passed Quizzes

  • The green banner at the top of the page tells you your result, including your percentage score, your point total, and the required passing percentage.
  • On incorrect answers, you are shown the correct answer with a green arrow.
  • Feedback may be provided for each question.
  • Click Exit Quiz to return to the document, where you are prompted with a Complete Training dialog. Complete the required fields and click Complete to complete the training.

Completing a Classroom Training Assignment

To complete an assignment with classroom training:

  1. Navigate to the Learner homepage or your My Tasks view.
  2. Click a Classroom Training Assignment. If your assignment allows self-registration, the next page lists the available classes and details for each. Review the details, select a class, and click Register if there is an open spot or Waitlist to add yourself to the waitlist. If you click the assignment after you are registered for a class, the task page appears, listing class details and class session schedules, along with any documents used as class materials.
  3. Optional: From the assignment card on the Learner homepage or while self-registering, click Add to Calendar to add the class to your Google or Outlook calendar. You can also use the Outlook calendar option for any calendar which uses the ICS format.
  4. If necessary, review the provided class materials.
  5. Attend the scheduled class. Depending on the course configuration, the instructor may record your attendance for the session, or you may be required to scan a QR code or access an attendance link to record your attendance.
  6. If the class has an associated quiz, wait for the instructor to issue the quiz, then click Take Quiz. See detailed instructions about taking a quiz.
  7. If the class requires an eSignature to acknowledge that you attended the class, click Complete in the task banner on the Classroom Training Assignment, or complete the task from your My Tasks view. Select the eSignature Verdict, enter your User Name and Password, and click Complete to complete the task.

Some training may have multiple sessions. If the training has multiple sessions, repeat the above steps for each remaining session. Once you attend all sessions and complete any required quizzes, there is nothing left for you to do. When the class is complete, Vault automatically determines whether your Training Assignment record moves to a Completed state or a Did Not Complete state.

About the Waitlist

When self-enrolling in a Classroom Training Assignment with a full roster, you can add yourself to the waitlist. Click Add to Waitlist to add yourself to the session’s waitlist. To remove yourself from the waitlist, click Remove From Waitlist. The system displays when you are on a session’s waitlist on both the self-registration page and the assignment card on the Learner homepage. Vault sends you a notification if you are moved from the waitlist to the roster.

If a Classroom Training Assignment does not have a specified maximum number of attendees, waitlist functionality is disabled and you can self-enroll in the assignment regardless of the current number of attendees.

About Session Attendance

In some classroom training sessions, the instructor may record attendance, or attendees may be required to mark themselves present by scanning a QR code or clicking an attendance link. If the Instructor sends you a QR code or attendance link, scan the code or click the link to acknowledge that you attended the class. When you scan the QR code or access the attendance link, the Classroom Training Assignment is opened in a browser window and a message is displayed that indicates that your attendance has been recorded. You may be prompted to enter your credentials if you are not logged into Vault. The QR code or attendance link only works if you are registered for the session.

About eSignatures

Some classroom training sessions require you to record an eSignature to acknowledge that you attended the class. Once you or the Instructor record your attendance, Vault assigns you an eSignature task. You can complete the task by clicking Complete in the green task banner on the Classroom Training Assignment, or by completing the task from the My Tasks view. You must record your eSignature before your Classroom Training Assignment can be set to Completed.

About Classroom Training Sessions

When your training assignment includes classroom training but there is not yet a session scheduled for the course, you may receive an email and notification when a session has been scheduled. Clicking the notification will take you to the classroom training assignment.

Vault also sends you an email and notification when an Instructor updates the session’s date or time. Depending on your Vault’s configuration, you can use the Add to Calendar link to add the class to your Google or Outlook calendar. You can also use the Outlook calendar option for any calendar which uses the ICS format.

Changing a Class Registration

If you have previously registered for a class and need to change your class selection or cancel the registration, you can do so from the assignment’s task page. Your available options differ depending on whether your class still allows self-registration at that time:

  • If your class allows changes to registration, you can click Manage Registration to return to the class selection page. Choose another class and click Register to switch your registration to that class, or click Cancel Registration to remove yourself from the roster for the current class.
  • If your class does not allow changes to registration, contact your Training Administrator.

Classroom Training on Mobile

When accessed in a mobile interface, Classroom Training Assignments display read-only course information and allow you to review class materials.

Completing an External Training Assignment

External training assignments involve activities that occur outside of Vault, such as a seminar or certification training held by a third-party organization. To complete an external training assignment:

  1. Navigate to the Learner homepage or your My Tasks view.
  2. Click an External Training Assignment. The task page appears, listing details for the training. Note whether you will need proof of completion, such as a certificate.
  3. If necessary, review the provided training materials.
  4. Attend or otherwise perform the external training exercise, obtaining proof of completion if necessary.
  5. Return to the External Training Assignment task page.
  6. If the training requires proof of completion, click Upload to attach a file with the necessary proof.
  7. Complete the fields in the Complete External Training dialog.
  8. Click Complete.

If the assignment requires proof of completion, another user may review the submitted proof and either approve or reject it. If that user rejects your proof, the external training assignment will reappear in your My Tasks view with any notes regarding the verdict. You can upload the corrected proof and complete the task following the steps above.

External Training on Mobile

When accessing an External Training assignment in a mobile interface, you can upload any necessary files to the assignment by tapping the Upload Proof button.

Completing GCP Certification Assignments

In Study Training, site Learners using VeevaID can submit proof of Good Clinical Practice (GCP) certification in one sponsor Vault and automatically re-use the same proof to complete GCP training in another sponsor’s Vault. With your initial consent to share, Vault automatically copies this proof to each of your subsequent External Training Assignment for GCP collection, allowing for individual sponsor review in their Vault without requiring you to retake a course or submit redundant evidence.

To submit your GCP certification:

  1. Navigate to the Learner homepage or your My Tasks view.
  2. Click your External Training Assignment for GCP. The task page appears, listing details for the training. Details may include instructions for completing sponsor-specific GCP training.
  3. Click Upload and select one file indicating proof of completion.
  4. Click the Complete Training button.
  5. In the dialog, populate the Evidence Completion Date and select Yes to Consent to Share the attached file in other sponsor Vaults. If you select No, the proof is retained for that assignment only, and you will be required to repeat this process for all future GCP training in other sponsor Vaults.
  6. Select the Verdict and click Complete.
  7. Vault opens a new VeevaID browser tab. Enter your VeevaID credentials and click Log in.
  8. Vault refreshes the assignment page to indicate Assignment Submitted and separately notifies a reviewer to accept or reject the submitted proof. Once accepted, Vault marks the assignment Completed. In the meantime, you can click on the file name to view it, or select to remove and replace it. If rejected, repeat this process accordingly.

About GCP Certification Transfer & Exemption Requests

When you consent to share proof of GCP certification, Vault automatically relays the proof to other sponsor Vaults when you are assigned a GCP-specific External Training Assignment in those Vaults. The record page for such assignments indicates Completion Detected, and Vault automatically assigns a review task to the sponsor reviewer.

You can view the transferred proof of completion by clicking View Details next to Exemption Request. Once Vault loads the record page, click the filename within the Attachments panel.

  • To upload a new item of proof prior to review, click Cancel Request from the assignment page. Vault refreshes the page and unlocks the Upload button.
  • If the document meets your expectations, you do not need to do anything further, unless Vault notifies you that the reviewer rejected the request.
  • When a sponsor reviewer rejects the request, Vault refreshes the assignment back to its original Assigned state so that you can repeat the upload process.

Completing an Evaluation Training Assignment

Evaluation training assignments typically involve training and an evaluation that occurs outside of Vault, and for which you will need to coordinate with a trainer, referenced here as an Evaluator. Often, Evaluation Training Assignments have prerequisites like safety information and SOPs, which you must complete prior to the evaluation training.

To complete an evaluation training assignment:

  1. Navigate to the Learner homepage or your My Tasks view.
  2. Click an Evaluation Training assignment. The task page appears, presenting the learning objectives for the course and any additional information or documents your Training Admin has chosen to provide.
    • When configured, you may also be required to select from a list of prospective Evaluators by clicking the pencil icon in the task’s Training Details panel. You can select up to ten Evaluators, and you can change the selected Evaluators any time before clicking Complete on this page.
  3. Once ready for the evaluation, coordinate with your Evaluator or Training Admin to schedule a time outside of Vault.
  4. After performing the training, your Evaluator may have specific instructions for you.
  5. If you have passed the training, navigate to the assignment’s task page and click Complete.

If you did not pass the training or need to repeat it, coordinate with your Evaluator or Training Admin to determine the best next steps.

Submitting an Exemption Request

You may be permitted to request exemption from certain assignments, based on your organization’s requirements and the related Training Requirement setup.

When available for exemption, an assignment card’s Begin Training button includes a dropdown to Request Exemption directly from the Learner Homepage. You can also click the Request Exemption button from a Training Assignment record.

When requesting an exemption:

  • You are prompted to enter a Reason, Evidence Completion Date, and Proof of Completion. These may be optional or required depending on the assignment.
  • Vault sends the request to a Training Admin or other role for review, and you’ll receive a Vault email and notification when the request is accepted or rejected. In the meantime, you can View Details from the assignment page.
  • When accepted, Vault marks your assignment as Complete and cancels the training task.
  • When rejected, your assignment remains in the Assigned state. You can re-request an exemption by repeating the steps above. This can be done at any time prior to completing the assignment.

You cannot take a quiz, view e-learning content, or otherwise complete an assignment with a pending exemption request. To cancel a request and unlock the assignment, select Cancel Request from the assignment card’s Begin Training button, or from the assignment page.

About Training Prerequisites

When attempting to access a Training Assignment, Vault may inform you that the assignment has incomplete prerequisites. Vault will automatically unlock the assignment once you have completed all prerequisite Training Assignments.

About Substitute Training Assignments

Training configurations may include training assignments that can be substituted for others. Depending on how your Training Admin has configured your training system, this type of substitution may occur automatically, or with additional input from you upon clicking into an assignment.

The Choice Available label on the Learner homepage lets you know if you’ll be asked to choose between assignments. Click the assignment on the Learner homepage or via your My Tasks view to see a list of all available options. Click the arrow next to each choice in the selection panel or dialog to view details such as the assignment duration or due date.

About Curriculum Outcomes

When your organization’s training program requires Learners to complete training on Vault functionality before an Admin grants access to that functionality, Curriculum Outcomes can automatically update your Vault permissions when you complete all Training Assignments within a given Curriculum.

For example, if you are assigned a Curriculum to train on your Vault’s QualityDocs Document Change Control process, upon completing all assignments, Vault automatically and immediately expands your Vault permissions to include the feature.

Depending on how a Training Admin defines the outcome, you may be granted access to additional:

  • Tabs, tab collections, and pages such as the My Team page.
  • Document types and versions, such as a document at version 1.1 in the In Approval state.
  • Business Administrator features, such as picklist and template management.
  • Administrator settings or features, such as Vault Loader.

See Curriculum Outcomes for more information.