When a document in a Training Requirement is updated, either through document change control or normal document release processes, it may be necessary to review any related materials or quizzes in the Training Requirement to determine if any changes are needed. Veeva Training provides tools for integrating such reviews into your training system with Training Requirement Impact Assessments (TRIAs).
About TRIA Creation Behavior
By default, when the Create Training Requirement Impact Assessment Record entry action triggers, Vault determines the necessity of a Training Requirement Impact Assessment for a given Training Requirement via the following criteria:
- If the Training Requirement is of the Classroom Training Requirement type; or
- If the Training Requirement is of the Document Training Requirement type and includes more than one (1) training-required document, includes a quiz, or includes an e-learning course; or
- If the Training Requirement is affected by substitution or prerequisite rules.
When a document associated with a Training Requirement enters the chosen state, this entry action creates the assessment record and adds users in the application role to Sharing Settings.
Note: Updates to documents identified as Supplemental Materials in a Vault Document Training Requirement do not trigger the TRIA process and are not subject to the same rules and automation as the required Training Materials. See Supplemental Materials for more information.
Enabling TRIA for All Training Requirements
You can bypass the above criteria and allow Vault Training to instead create Training Requirement Impact Assessments for all types of Training Requirements by selecting the Enable TRIA for all Training Requirements setting in Admin > Settings > Application Settings. The order of the associated entry actions is critical to the correct function of TRIAs.
Note: The Enable TRIA for all Training Requirements setting cannot be disabled once it is enabled. The setting is enabled by default in Vaults created on or after the 22R1 release.
TRIA Entry Action Order
For lifecycles like Draft to Approved and Initial to Final, in which a TRIA and training assignments can both occur in the same lifecycle state, such as Approved or Final, the order of configured entry actions is critical. You must configure the Create Training Requirement Impact Assessment entry action to execute before the Issue Training Assignment entry action.
If you configure these entry actions in the incorrect order, the Issue Training Assignment action may update the document version on the Training Requirement even though the TRIA process is incomplete.
Configuring Training Requirement Impact Assessments
Note: You cannot configure TRIA or document lifecycles or workflows such that a document is prevented from moving to the Ready for Training or Steady state if the TRIA task is not complete. This feature purposefully prioritizes document state changes over training tasks.
- Configure the Create Training Requirement Impact Assessment Record entry action for the appropriate document lifecycle states. The states you select should be after the document reaches a major version, but before it is eligible to be issued for training, such as Approved.
- If the document lifecycle includes a state where a document is no longer in use for training (for example, Obsolete), configure the Retire or Assess Impact on Training Requirements entry action.
- In the above entry actions’ configuration options, select an application role to Assign Tasks To. If you select a role, Vault confirms the number of users assigned to the role, then copies them to the TRIA record’s Sharing Settings during action execution. There must be at least one (1) user available for this application role before Vault executes the entry action. The user may be added to this role via document sharing settings or DAC. If you do not select a role, you should ensure that your TRIA object configuration includes a sharing rule so that the TRIA workflow can start.
- Optional: Select the Use Document Date Field as a Due Date checkbox. This option bases the due date of any resulting Training Assignments on a document field, such as Proposed Effective Date. Select a document date field from the drop-down, then enter a number of days to add to that date to determine the final due date for document revision training. The Due Date field in the TRIA record will be empty if the selected document date field is not available in the revised document.
- Optional: Add the Evaluate Training Req. Impact Assessment custom action to the TRIA object configuration, then add it as a user action to the Pending System Updates To Training Req. state in the TRIA object lifecycle. In the event that the TRIA does not successfully change to the Completed state, a user can select this action and Vault will perform the same assessment as it does when the assessing user clicks Complete on the TRIA record, prior to selecting verdicts.
- Recommended: Configure the Training Requirement Impact Assessment object page layout to include the below impact alerts. Each alert corresponds to an object field, and informs users of the training and document impact of TRIA decisions.
- Cancel Open Training Assignments?: Impact Alert: Cancel Open Training Assignments
- Document Revision Training Due Date: Impact Alert: Doc Revision Due Date
- Re-Issue Training?: Impact Alert: Re-Issue Training
- Require Updated Quiz?: Impact Alert: Require Updated Quiz
If additional documents on the same Training Requirement subsequently trigger this entry action, they will be added to the same Training Requirement Impact Assessment record, ensuring that impact assessors are presented with all applicable changes when they perform their assessments.
About TRIA-Assigned Application Roles
Before Vault executes the Create Training Requirement Impact Assessment Record and Retire or Assess Impact on Training Requirements entry actions, it confirms that the configured Application Role is assigned to at least one user and no more than 50 users. Outside of this range, the actions fail.
Training Requirement Impact Assessment Lifecycle
Ensure that the application role to which users are assigned in the steps above exists on the Training Requirement Impact Assessment object lifecycle in the state that users will perform their assessment.
Training Requirement Impact Assessment Workflow
Create an object workflow which starts when the Training Requirement Impact Assessment enters the Initiate TRIA (initiate_tria_state__v
) state in its lifecycle. This workflow should include a Decision step with rules defined for each verdict. Below is an example assessment workflow:
How to Complete Training Requirement Impact Assessments
To complete an impact assessment once it is assigned:
- Navigate to the My Tasks view.
- Click into a Training Requirement Impact Assessment task.
- Review the impact on the Training Requirement Impact Assessment Detail object record. See below for details on this step.
- If necessary, update the Document Revision Training Due Date field as needed to set due dates when issuing new training assignments for retraining.
- If Learners should not be required to complete a quiz for any newly issued training assignments as a result of the assessment, select the Exclude Quiz for Doc Revision Training checkbox.
- Once you have reviewed the changes affecting the Training Requirement, click Complete.
- Select a verdict. Verdict options are configurable, but may include these outcome types.
- Click Complete. The Training Requirement Impact Assessment Detail object record moves to the lifecycle state associated with the chosen verdict.
Once you complete the assessment, the training document can move on to the next state in its lifecycle. Vault takes any changes indicated on the assessments with an “Update Training Requirement Now” verdict type and implements them on the Training Requirement once the document reaches a state with the Issue Training Assignments entry action configured. This also moves the Training Requirement Impact Assessment record to its Completed state.
About TRIA Review
When reviewing a TRIA, you’ll make decisions on the TRIA object detail page. This object detail page is configurable to best fit your organization’s needs, but often has sections containing pre-change and post-change versions of the affected training-required materials and, if applicable, the pre-change and post-change quiz definition for the Training Requirement for easy comparison.
Before proceeding, ensure the set of documents in the post-change section is appropriate for use in the updated Training Requirement.
Keep in mind the following behaviors when conducting a review:
- If the TRIA was issued because a document changed from a minor version, such as v0.1, to a major version, such as v1.0, the pre-change and post-change content sets may be identical.
- If a different quiz should be used for this TR moving forward, based on the change that triggered the TRIA, that quiz should be defined on the TRIA page.
- While the fields labelled Do Not Retrain and Keep Open Training Assignments may appear on the TRIA page under Impact Decisions, you should not update them on this page. You will be prompted to consider these fields via a pop-up dialog later on in the TRIA process if you choose the Update Training Requirement Now verdict.
- Vault does not generate a TRIA for updated Supplemental Materials. You must separately consider and update these training-optional documents accordingly when reviewing the required Training Materials.
Verdict Outcome Types
Verdict options are configurable, but may include these outcome types:
- Update Training Requirement Now: Indicates that it is appropriate to update the affected Training Requirement upon completion of this impact assessment. Depending on your vault’s configuration, selecting this verdict may either immediately update the related Training Requirement, or wait until all documents are in the appropriate states of their lifecycles before automatically updating the related Training Requirement. If you select this verdict, you’ll be prompted to optionally set three fields:
- Re-issue Training?: Vault will issue new training assignments upon the update of the affected Training Requirement.
- Cancel Open Training Assignments?: Vault will cancel any open training assignments upon the update of the affected Training Requirement.
- Require Updated Quiz: New Training Assignments that are issued will use the new Quiz Design defined in the TRIA. The impacted quiz is linked in the Current Quiz Design field. If a replacement quiz is necessary, select it in the New Quiz Design field. Vault will use this quiz for the reviewed Training Requirement moving forward.
- Wait for Additional Documents: Puts the impact assessment into the waiting status. Vault will reissue the impact assessment task if another document in the affected Training Requirement triggers the Create Training Requirement Impact Assessment Record entry action.
- Retire Training Requirement Immediately: If, after review, the Training Requirement is no longer useful, use this verdict to retire it.
- Changes Do Not Affect Training Requirement: Indicates that the document change has no impacts to the Training Requirement. Choosing this verdict keeps the Training Requirement as-is, and does not update the document that triggered the assessment. Vault automatically changes the state of TRIA records with this verdict to the Completed lifecycle state.
About TRIA Impact Alerts
When enabled on the Training Requirement Impact Assessment object page layout, the below impact alerts inform users of how Vault will act upon TRIA verdict decisions:
- Cancel Open Training Assignments: When “Yes”, the alert displays the number of Training Assignments that will be cancelled. When “No”, the alert displays the number of assignments that will remain open until the previous document version is superseded.
- Doc Revision Due Date: The alert notifies the user if this date is different from the document’s Proposed Effective Date.
- Re-Issue Training: The alert displays the number of assignments that will be created, and whether the decision to re-issue training is different from the Training Impact decision on the Library document.
Require Updated Quiz: If there is a quiz on the Training Requirement, the alert informs the user that there is a quiz. If there is no quiz on the requirement, the alert directs the user to create one or consult with a Training Admin.