E-learning content provides a dynamic and engaging method of digital training that can include video, interactive elements, navigable information, and quizzes. Vault Training supports several e-learning content standards: AICC, SCORM 1.2, and SCORM 2004 4th Edition. Defining Training Completion Criteria is an important step of setting up e-learning content support in your Vault.

When you create e-learning content in an authoring tool, you determine how the Learner passes or gets credit for the course. You must then define Training Completion Criteria in Vault so that the system can determine if a Learner has completed the course. When a Learner launches and interacts with an e-learning content file, Vault captures response data, such as viewing duration, quiz score, and completion status, from the e-learning course. Vault compares the captured data against Training Completion Criteria and, if the criteria are met, completes the course in the Learner’s Training Assignment.

Mapping Course Response Data (Reporting Option) to Training Completion Criteria

Vault Training supports the AICC, SCORM 1.2, and SCORM 2004 4th Edition e-learning standards. Each supported standard has an associated Training Completion Criteria object type, and each standard has different configuration requirements for its associated e-learning content Training Completion Criteria Details records. If you have multiple Training Completion Criteria records for a given standard, you can use the Use As Default For field to ensure that Vault uses a specific Training Completion Criteria record.

Each standard that you intend to use must have at least one Training Completion Criteria record with the Use As Default For field value set, or the system will prevent you from adding the e-learning course to the Vault Document Training Requirement.

Creating Training Completion Criteria & Training Completion Criteria Details Records

You must set up the criteria and expected response data for each standard you wish to use in Vault Training. You can customize the criteria, including having multiple sets of criteria for a single e-learning standard. You must create at least one set of criteria for each e-learning standard that you wish to use.

To create Training Completion Criteria records:

  1. Navigate to Business Admin > Training Completion Criteria, or to its custom tab, if available.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Select an e-learning standard from the drop-down.
  4. Fill in the required details.
  5. Optional: Select a value from the Use As Default For drop-down. This field indicates to Vault to use this record for all e-learning content which has been detected as the chosen type. Each value can be used by one Training Completion Criteria record. There must be at least one Training Completion Criteria record with the Use As Default For field populated before you can add an e-learning course to a Vault Document Training Requirement.
  6. Click Save.

Then, create Training Completion Criteria Details records:

  1. Navigate to Business Admin > Training Completion Criteria, or to its custom tab, if available, and click into a Training Completion Criteria record.
  2. In the Training Completion Criteria Details section, click Create.
  3. Choose the appropriate e-learning standard type from the drop-down. This selection should match the type on the parent Training Completion Criteria record.
  4. Select values for the status (Lesson Status, Completion Status, or Success Status) as indicated in the sections below.
  5. Select a value for the Criteria field. The All value tests the selected statuses against all E-Learning Status Detail records regardless of when they occurred during the course. The Last Only value tests the statuses against only the final response upon closing the course.

E-Learning Course Files & Training Requirements

You can add e-learning ZIP files to Vault Document Training Requirements just like any other Vault document. You cannot add e-learning content to Classroom Training Requirements. When you upload an e-learning file, Vault populates the E-Learning Standard field with the appropriate value automatically. This field value tells Vault to which Training Completion Criteria record the course response data should be compared. Note that:

  • If you have not yet defined Training Completion Criteria for the type of file you have uploaded, you must do so or Vault will not add the file to the Vault Document Training Requirement.
  • Vault detects the e-learning standard for the course and finds the Training Completion Criteria record that has been designated as the default for the E-Learning Standard field value. If it cannot find one, Vault displays an error.
  • Review the Training Completion Criteria to which Vault defaults for each e-learning course. The Training Completion Criteria is what Vault Training uses to compare the response data from the course with the status values, for example Completion Status, Lesson Status, or Success Status. If a course requires a different Training Completion Criteria than the default, you can select a different one by updating the Training Completion Criteria reference. Note the Training Completion Criteria field must be added to TrainingContentSet-Document object page layout.


If there are Training Assignments that reference the Training Requirement’s Training Content Set, you cannot update the Training Completion Criteria. Remove the e-learning document and add it again. This issues new Training Assignments for Learners who did not complete the Training Assignment.

Training Content Status & Course Response Data

E-learning courses generate data as a Learner views, clicks through, takes quizzes in, or otherwise interacts with the course. The e-learning content player communicates this data to Vault by creating a Training Content Status record and related E-Learning Content Status Details records. You must define Training Completion Criteria to match with the expected response data for each type of e-learning file you upload.

  • When creating a Training Assignment with e-learning files, Vault also creates a Training Content Status record of the E-Learning Content Status object type.
  • When Vault receives data from the course, it creates a child E-Learning Status Detail record corresponding to the e-learning standard (AICC, SCORM 2004, or SCORM 1.2 Status Detail).
  • Vault compares the e-learning data in E-Learning Status Detail records against the Training Completion Criteria Detail record in place for the e-learning standard. Once the status (Lesson, Completion, or Success based on the standard) matches the criteria, Vault updates the Training Content Status record’s state to Complete, and the Learner gets credit (a green checkmark in their training materials list) for completing the material upon closing the course.

Vault assigns an In Progress state to any e-learning content which has been launched but has not yet met its criteria. If a Learner closes an In Progress course and then returns to the Training Assignment, a Resume Content button lets them pick up where they left off.

AICC Course Response Data

Vault populates E-Learning Status Detail records with the following information for AICC e-learning courses:

  • Lesson Location: The Learner’s position within the e-learning content, used for resuming content if the Learner leaves and then later returns to the e-learning document.
  • Lesson Status: Stored in E-Learning Status Details records. This part of the response data is used to test against your Training Completion Criteria records. AICC courses may send this status as a full word or only the first letter : Incomplete, Completed, Passed, Failed, Not Attempted, or Browsed. Capitalization does not matter.
  • Score: The Learner’s score on evaluations within the content. This score is stored in the E-Learning Status Details record and the most recent score is displayed in the Score field of the parent Training Content Status record.
  • Duration: The amount of time the Learner has viewed the e-learning course. This time is stored in the E-Learning Status Details record and the most recent duration is displayed in the Duration field of the parent Training Content Status record.

SCORM 1.2 Course Response Data

By default, Vault populates Training Content Status and E-Learning Status Details records with the following information for SCORM 1.2 e-learning courses:

  • SCO_ID: The label of the e-learning course as determined by the course author.
  • Score: The Learner’s score on evaluations within the content. This score is stored in the E-Learning Status Details record and the most recent score is displayed in the Score field of the parent Training Content Status record.
  • Duration: The amount of time the Learner has viewed the e-learning course. This time is stored in the E-Learning Status Details record and the most recent duration is displayed in the Duration field of the parent Training Content Status record.
  • Lesson Status: Stored in E-Learning Status Details records. This part of the response data is used to test against your Training Completion Criteria records. SCORM 1.2 courses send this status as a full word: Passed, Failed, Completed, Incomplete, Not Attempted, or Browsed.

When a SCORM 1.2 course is configured to communicate quiz failure and locking information to Vault:

  • Each time the Learner completes an attempt, Vault increases the Training Content Status record’s Number of Quiz Attempts field value by one.
  • When the Number of Quiz Attempts field value reaches the maximum number of attempts configured for the course, Vault sets the E-Learning Status Detail record’s E-Learning Quiz Status field as “Quiz Locked”.

SCORM 2004 4th Edition Course Response Data

Vault populates Training Content Status and E-Learning Status Details records with the following information for SCORM 2004 e-learning courses:

  • SCO_ID: The label of the e-learning course as determined by the course author.
  • Score: The Learner’s score on evaluations within the content. This score is stored in the E-Learning Status Detail record and the most recent score is displayed in the Score field of the parent Training Content Status record.
  • Duration: The amount of time the Learner has viewed the e-learning course. This time is stored in the E-Learning Status Detail record and the most recent duration is displayed in the Duration field of the parent Training Content Status record.
  • Completion Status: Stored in E-Learning Status Detail records. This part of the response data is used to test against your configured Training Completion Criteria records. SCORM 2004 courses send this status as a full word: Completed, Incomplete, Not Attempted, or Unknown.
  • Success Status: Stored in E-Learning Status Detail records. This part of the response data is used to test against your Training Completion Criteria records. SCORM 2004 courses send this status as a full word: Passed, Failed, or Unknown.

Testing E-Learning Content

After you complete all setup steps and create Training Completion Criteria, we recommend testing the course in a Training Assignment to ensure that a Learner will be able to complete it. You can most easily accomplish this using the Direct Assignment feature on a Training Requirement which includes the e-learning content.