The My Team page or Manager Homepage provides managers real-time insights into both their direct and indirect teams’ training progress. With a quick glance, managers can evaluate both individual and overall team performance without relying on a central Training Admin team. Managers can also send nudges, or personalized messages, to remind or encourage team members to complete their training.
Note: This feature is available for use in Vault Training only and must be enabled by a Vault Admin. The My Study Team Page offers a similar option in Study Training.
Accessing the My Team Page & Organizational View
You can access the My Team page (Manager Homepage) via the My Team tab. This tab may appear with a different label depending on your Vault’s configuration.
The Learners you see on this page are members of your direct and/or indirect teams.
- A direct team member is any Learner who reports directly to you. By default, the My Team page displays your direct team.
- Indirect team members are any Learners who report to either a direct team member, or another indirect team member. Toggle the Show Entire Organization button in the upper right corner of the page to view training information for all Learners below you in your reporting structure.
For example, Nicole has three direct reports, Nancy, Nia, and Niles. Nancy also has direct reports, Niell and Norman. Nicole can view training information for direct team members Nancy, Nia, and Niles, then toggle the Show Entire Organization button to view information for Nancy’s reports (indirect team members) Niell and Norman. If Norman becomes a manager to new team member Ned, Nicole can click through all the Learner cards down the hierarchy, including Ned.
If you do not see any Learner or assignment data, the Learners you expect to see are not associated with you via their individual Person records, or you do not have the correct Person object field permissions.
Assignment Status & Learner Cards
The top of the My Team page includes the Overdue, Due Soon, and Due Later Assignment cards.
To filter the Learner cards by these statuses in the panel below, select one or more Assignment cards. You can also use the Eligible Learners or Ineligible Learners tabs to view only Learners of that type, based on their Person record’s Training Eligibility field value.
Learner cards are styled with red (overdue), yellow (due soon), and green (due later) indicator bars adjusted by size, relative to the number of open Training Assignments displayed for that status.
Note: The My Team page’s assignment counts exclude those for Learners who are not Vault users. Additionally, the page does not count assignments created outside of a Learner’s matrix. See Setting Up the My Team Page for more information.
Individual Learner Pages
When you click a Learner card, Vault displays detailed information about that Learner’s open and completed assignments.
On an individual Learner page, you can:
- Use the Open, Completed, or All tab to quickly filter by that assignment status, as well as apply filters within each tab.
- Send a nudge directly to the Learner from the page’s Actions menu.
Additionally, when Training Matrix Visualization is enabled, click the Training Matrix tab for an illustrated depiction of the Learner’s training matrix in a single view.
A nudge is a message sent to one or more Learners, to remind or prompt them to complete their open Training Assignments. To encourage training compliance, nudges automatically include a link to the Learner Homepage.
When you send a nudge:
- Learners receive a Vault notification and Vault email with your personalized subject line and message. When you send a nudge to more than one Learner, individual recipients are not aware of the other recipients included in the nudge.
- Vault logs pertinent message details in a Nudge Detail record, including the subject, body, recipients, and sender.
Note: You cannot send a nudge to Learners who are not Vault users.
Sending a Nudge
To send a nudge:
- Select Learners in bulk using the quick-filtering + Select All or Deselect All buttons, or individually select one or more Learners by hovering over their Learner card and clicking Select.
- Click the Nudge icon.
- In the Nudge dialog, Vault populates all Learners selected in Step 1 in the Recipients field. Here, you can remove or re-select Learners.
- Enter a Subject and Message, then click Send.
Vault sends the nudge to the selected Learners and saves the information in a corresponding Nudge Detail record.
The My Team page’s assignment counts exclude those for Learners who are not Vault users. Additionally, the page does not count assignments created outside of a Learner’s matrix. See Setting Up the My Team Page for more information.
Related Permissions
See Setting Up the My Team Page for the permissions required to use this feature.