The My Team page or Manager Homepage provides managers immediate access to real-time insights into the state of their direct team’s training progress. With a quick glance, managers can evaluate both individual and overall team performance without relying on a central Training Admin team, as well as send nudges, or personalized messages, to remind or encourage Learners to complete their training.

Feature Dependencies

The My Team page requires that:

  • Manager groups are enabled in your Vault in Admin > Security Settings > Manager Groups.
  • Learners’ Person records are populated with their Manager.

Additionally, we recommend enabling this feature in tandem with Training Matrix Visualization, so that Managers can view more detailed information about a Learner’s progress within their training matrix.

Enablement Overview

To enable the My Team page:

  1. Navigate to Admin > Configuration > Tabs and edit the My Team tab such that its Status is Active. If desired, update the label to fit your organization’s requirements. If you relabel this tab, we also recommend updating the page label in Admin > Configuration > Pages.
  2. If your Vault is configured to use Tab Collections for Training, add the My Team tab to the desired collection(s).
  3. Review your Vault’s security configuration for Training functionality. To use the My Team page, managers must be assigned a permission set with the below permissions.


The My Team page only displays assignment counts for:

  • Learners who are Vault users, according to their Person record.
    • The My Team page does not count assignments for Learners with the Person is not a Vault user field selected. This is because Vault only counts Training Assignment records with a Manager Group assigned to the Direct Manager role. Vault does not create or populate Manager Groups for Learners without a User record.
  • Assignments Vault creates as part of the Learner’s training matrix, according to the assignment’s Creation Source field. The My Team page does not count Training Assignments created as a result of Direct Assignment or Self-Enrollment.

Additionally, Learners who are not Vault users cannot receive nudges.

To use the My Team page, Managers must be assigned a permission set with the below permissions.


  • When your Vault’s security configuration includes custom or matching sharing rules, Managers must have Read access to their own Person record, as well as the Person records of any of their direct reports.
  • To view related Training Assignment data in a report, the manager must also be assigned to the Direct Manager role in an assignment’s Sharing Settings.
Permission Label Permission
Objects: Assignment Details Read
Objects: Media: Object Permissions: Image Read
Objects: Nudge Detail Read
Objects: Person: Object Field Permissions Read for the following object fields:
Training Eligibility
User (vault_user__sys)
Tabs: My Team View
Note: If this tab is configured in a Tab Collection, Managers also require View access to that collection.
Pages: My Team Page View