Training Matrix automation significantly reduces the effort required to create and maintain matrix records in the Study Training Matrix Builder.
How Training Matrix Automation Works
When the Study Training to Clinical Operations Vault Connection transfers documents and object records, the Study Training Vault assesses the current and incoming records and metadata, then creates and associates corresponding training matrix records and documents accordingly.
Clinical Operations Criteria
The connection requires that Clinical Operations documents and Study records have their Connect to Vault Study Training field set to Yes (true) in order to be considered for transfer to Study Training. Documents must also be associated with a study via its Study field.
Study Training Actions
Study Training uses a Study record’s System Aided Matrix Management field and a Learner Role record’s Add to All New Studies field to determine whether to create or update relevant records based on incoming Clinical Operations metadata.
When these fields are set to Yes (true) and the connection is performing any of the below actions as a result of activities in Clinical Operations, Study Training automatically handles new record creation and association as follows:
- For a new Study, Vault associates any existing Learner Role records.
- For a new Learner (Person) added to a Learner Role which does not yet exist in Study Training, Vault creates the Learner Role and associates it to the indicated Study record.
- For new Training Material CrossLink documents with Study and, optionally, Study Country values, Vault:
- Creates a system-managed Vault Document Training Requirement record with the document’s Name and a related Training Content Set containing the document.
- Associates the system-managed requirement to the default Curriculum, according to Study and Study Country values.
- Creates a Training Requirement Classification record with the Study and Study Country values set with the corresponding document values, and the Training Requirement field referencing the system-managed requirement.
- For Responsibilities added to Study Persons (Study Person Responsibilities), Study Training creates a Learner Role with this combination (if one does not already exist) with the Role Type set to “Responsibility”, and associates Learners (Persons) to that role. This allows Vault to locate the appropriate Learner Roles for display in the Study Training Matrix Builder.
Then, when users select Manage Training Matrix from a Study record, the Study Training Matrix Builder automatically displays all training matrix records for the selected study, including:
- New and existing Learner Role records, organized in columns.
- New and existing Training Requirement records, grouped by Curricula for each Study and Study Country pairing.
Once the matrix is final, Vault automatically moves Curriculum and any Training Requirement records which are not in the Initiated state to the Ready for Use state.
Training Matrix Automation requires that your organization’s Study Training Matrix is structured such that each Learner Role has one associated Curriculum with one Training Requirement. It does not support matrix configurations where roles are associated with curricula containing multiple requirements.
See Study Training Matrix Builder for additional limitations for working with system-managed records.