The Document Control Homepage is a centralized landing page from which Document Control users can quickly view, monitor, and manage key document control processes. The page’s configurable sections for Document Change Control, Controlled Copies, and Periodic Reviews and their related documents provide a comprehensive overview of these processes, including the abilities to execute user actions for an object record and send custom messages (nudges) to object and document workflow participants with incomplete tasks.
Note: The Document Control Homepage is available in QualityDocs and must be enabled by an Admin.
Accessing the Document Control Homepage
You can access the Document Control Homepage via the Document Control Homepage tab. This tab may appear with a different label depending on your Vault’s configuration.
Additionally, the Document Change Controls, Periodic Reviews, Controlled Copy Traces, and Documents With Upcoming Periodic Reviews process sections are individually Admin-enabled, and the information viewable within them depends on your permissions.
Process Status
The top of the Document Control Homepage includes process status cards summarizing the open document or record counts for all enabled processes. See details on how Vault calculates each.
Click a status card to filter all sections by that category, or Expand a process section below them to view the counts for that process only.
You can also click My Records to filter each section’s items by:
- Document Change Control and Periodic Review records you’ve created, according to the Created by field.
- Controlled Copy Trace records you’ve requested, according to the Requested by field.
- Documents with upcoming periodic reviews that you’ve created, according to the Created by field.
How Vault Calculates Process Status
Vault calculates a record’s open status according to its Created Date, and documents with upcoming periodic reviews according to the Start Periodic Review Date (or other Admin-configured Date-type document field) displayed for that section.
Many criteria depend on your Vault’s configuration. The table below shows all filtering criteria and their defaults.
Needs Immediate Action | Needs Attention Later | No Immediate Action Needed | |
Document Change Controls | Days Open > 90 Days | Days Open > 60 Days | Days Open ≤ 60 Days |
Periodic Reviews | Days Open > 90 Days | Days Open > 60 Days | Days Open ≤ 60 Days |
Documents With Upcoming Periodic Reviews | Periodic Review Start Date is in the Past | Periodic Review Start Date < 30 Days | Periodic Review Start Date ≥ 30 Days |
Controlled Copy Traces | Days Open > 90 Days | Days Open > 60 Days | Days Open ≤ 60 Days |
Process Sections
By default, each process section displays up to ten records. Use the < > to navigate them, or Expand to view up to 25 records per page. Click a record’s Name to view it in a new browser tab.
Within the expanded view, click the Actions menu to configure up to 12 total columns, including the default columns. Vault hides these configured columns when you Collapse the section and return to the default view, however they remain available in the expanded view.
User Actions
In the Document Change Controls, Periodic Reviews, and Controlled Copy Traces sections, hover over a record’s Name and click the Actions menu to view and execute user actions configured for the object’s current Lifecycle State.
Workflow Tasks & Nudges
The Document Change Control and Periodic Reviews sections include access to the workflow task panel, where you can quickly view any open workflows for that process, as well as send a nudge (message) to workflow participants.
To view Document Change Control and Periodic Review object workflow tasks, hover over a record name and click Workflows . Vault displays up to 10 workflow tasks of any status, for both the object itself (for example, Periodic Review Workflow Tasks) and any related document workflows (Document Workflow Tasks). Use the < > to navigate additional tasks in these workflows, or to view the Previous or Next Record.
Sending Nudges
A nudge is a notification and Vault email sent to one or more workflow participants, to remind or prompt them to complete their open workflow tasks.
To send a nudge from the Document Control Homepage:
- Hover over a record name and click Workflows
- In the workflow task panel, click the checkboxes next to each workflow participant you wish to nudge, then click Nudge.
- In the nudge dialog, enter a Subject and Message, then confirm all intended recipients are listed. To adjust recipients, click Cancel and repeat Step 2. Otherwise, click Save.
Vault sends your personalized message and subject line to all recipients, as both an email and Vault notification. When you send a nudge to more than one participant, individual recipients are not aware of the other recipients included in the nudge.
Related Permissions
See Setting Up the Document Control Homepage for the permissions required to use this feature.