The Require Retraining action available for configuration on the Person and Curriculum objects allows Training Admins to reissue assignments for Training Requirements already present within a Learner’s training matrix. The action is the optimal method for issuing retraining, in lieu of Direct Assignment.

Direct Assignment Comparison & Use Cases

Prior to 24R3, Training Admins may have used Direct Assignment to issue retraining. Once configured, the Require Retraining action is the optimal method for issuing retraining for:

  • CAPAs
  • Deviations
  • Learners returning from a leave of absence
  • Any other scenarios in which a Learner should receive future assignments based on the retraining assignment.

The table below illustrates the high-level differences between the Require Retraining action and Direct Assignment.

  Require Retraining Direct Assignment
Issue retraining as needed Yes Yes
Issue retraining in bulk Yes Yes
Issue retraining outside of Learner’s current matrix No Yes
Assignment recurrence based on the retraining assignment’s Next Training Date (Recurrence) Yes No
Future assignment automation based on Training Materials updates (TRIA) Yes No
Respects Prerequisite Training Rules Yes No
Respects Substitute Training Rules Yes No

Feature Dependencies

Issuing retraining does not depend on any other Training features beyond the baseline application configuration.

Configuration Overview

To configure the ability to issue retraining:

  1. Within the Curriculum and Person objects, create an object action using the Require Retraining object action.
  2. Configure a “Require Retraining” user action referencing the Require Retraining object action within the following object lifecycle states:
    • Curriculum object lifecycle: Ready for Use (available_state__v)
    • Person object lifecycle: Eligible (eligible_state__c), or the state mapped to the lifecycle’s Eligible state type
  3. For the Retraining Request User Input object:
    • Enable the Display in Business Admin option, or configure a custom tab for Training Admins to view these records.
    • Optional: Configure the Reason and/or Reason Details fields with the User must always enter a value (required) option.
  4. For the Retraining Request object, enable the Display in Business Admin option, or configure a custom tab for Training Admins to view these records.
  5. Add the Retraining Request field to all applicable Training Assignment object page layouts.
  6. Optional: Review the Retraining Reason picklist values and add any additional values your organization may use for retraining. These picklist values are the Reason options presented to Training Admins when issuing retraining.
  7. Review your Vault’s security configuration for Training functionality. To issue retraining, Training Admins must be assigned a permission set with the below permissions.

Issuing Retraining

To issue retraining:

  1. Navigate to a Curriculum record in the Ready for Use state, or a Person record in the Eligible state.
  2. Select Require Retraining from the record’s Actions menu.
  3. If you initiated the action from a curriculum, Vault displays the Require Retraining dialog on the Select Learners tab. Select up to 2,000 Learners and click Next.
  4. In the Select Training Requirements tab, Vault displays up to 2,000 requirements in the Ready for Use state within the curriculum. Select the desired requirement(s) and click Next.
  5. In the Additional Options tab, select a Reason and enter Reason Details. These fields may be required depending on your Vault’s configuration.
  6. Review all Confirmation tab details and click Save once your selections appear as expected.

Vault issues retraining assignments based on your selections when the VT: Update Training Assignments job runs.

How Vault Issues Retraining

Once a Training Admin confirms retraining for the selected Learner(s) and requirement(s):

  • Vault creates one Retraining Request User Input record to capture all Selected Learners and Selected Training Requirements.
  • When the Retraining Request User Input record’s Fulfillment Status is “Issued”, Vault initiates the VT: Create Retraining Requests job. During this operation, Vault:
    • Creates one Retraining Request record for each combination of Learner and requirement. When successful, this record’s Fulfillment Status is “Issued”.
    • Captures any errors in the job log.
  • The VT: Update Training Assignments job issues retraining assignments during its next scheduled run and sets the relevant fields:
    • Retraining Request: The Retraining Request record Vault referenced to create the assignment
    • Creation Reason: Retraining
    • Creation Source: System
  • When an existing assignment must be cancelled in order to issue a retraining assignment, Vault sets the cancelled assignment’s Latest Automation Update field with the retraining request details.


Training Admins can issue retraining to up to 2,000 Learners in a single Require Retraining action.

To issue retraining, Training Admins must be assigned a permission set with the below permissions. Otherwise, Vault hides the Require Retraining action.

Additionally, for an optimal user experience, Training Admins should have access to view Retraining Request and Retraining Request User Input records via Business Admin, or a custom tab. Ensure their permission set allows access based on this configuration and, when applicable, includes access to any related Tab Collections.

Permission Label Permissions
Admin: Business Admin Objects Read
Objects: Curriculum Read, Edit
Objects: Curriculum Completion Status Read, Edit
Objects: Person Read, Edit
Objects: Retraining Request Read, Create, Edit
Objects: Retraining Request User Input Read, Create, Edit
Objects: Training Requirement Read, Edit
Objects: Training Requirement-Curriculum Read, Edit