The My Study Team page provides CRAs and site managers immediate access to real-time insights into the state of a site’s training progress. With a quick glance, CRAs and site managers can evaluate both individual Learner and overall site performance, as well as send nudges, or personalized messages, to remind or encourage Learners to complete their training.

Accessing the My Study Team Page

You can access the My Study Team page via the My Study Team tab. This tab may appear with a different label depending on your Vault’s configuration.

To view Learners, populate the Study, Study Country, and Study Site filters. The My Study Team page displays training information for up to 150 Learners at a site.

The Learners you see on this page are Learners at the selected site, including those who are not eligible for training, or are inactive in the Study Training Vault. Additionally, if a CRA is associated with a Study Person record at the Site level, the My Study Team page includes their assignments.

My Study Team Page

Assignment & Learner Cards

The top of the My Study Team page includes the Overdue, Due Soon, and Due Later Assignment cards.

To filter the Learner cards by these statuses in the panel below, select one or more Assignment cards.

Learner cards are styled with red (overdue), yellow (due soon), and green (due later) indicator bars adjusted by size, relative to the number of open assignments displayed for that status.


A nudge is a message sent to one or more Learners, to remind or prompt them to complete their open Training Assignments. To encourage training compliance, nudges automatically include a link to the Learner Homepage.

When you send a nudge:

  • Learners receive a Vault notification and Vault email with your personalized subject line and message. When you send a nudge to more than one Learner, individual recipients are not aware of the other recipients included in the nudge.
  • Vault logs pertinent message details in a Nudge Detail record, including the subject, body, recipients, and sender.

Sending a Nudge

To send a nudge:

  1. Select Learners in bulk using the quick-filtering + Select All or Deselect All buttons, or select an individual Learner by hovering over their Learner card and clicking Select.
  2. Click the Nudge icon.
  3. In the Nudge dialog, Vault populates all Learners selected in Step 1 in the Recipients field. Here, you can remove or re-select Learners.
  4. Enter a Subject and Message, then click Send.

Vault sends the nudge to the selected Learners and saves the information in a corresponding Nudge Detail record.

See Setting Up Study Training for the permissions required to use this feature.