While e-learning content requires additional setup and configuration, you can add e-learning course ZIP files to Vault Document Training Requirements just as you would any other document.
Note: If you are experiencing issues with e-learning in your Vault, we recommend working with your organization’s IT department to ensure the *.veevavaultlearning.com
domain is allowlisted. You can also find solutions to known e-learning troubleshooting issues in E-Learning Content Troubleshooting & FAQ.
Resetting E-Learning Course Progress
Learners may experience situations in which they cannot complete an e-learning course and receive their completion checkmark. For example, the Learner may have failed a quiz within the course and cannot retake it. You can configure a user action to reset your course progress and allow a Learner to restart an e-learning course within a Vault Training Assignment. This action moves the current Training Content Status object record to the Retired state and allows Vault Training automation to create a new Training Content Status record.
To configure this, add the Reset Learner’s Course Progress user action to the In Progress state of the Training Content Status object lifecycle. The user action only appears in the In Progress state, even if the user action is configured in other lifecycle states. When you use the action, Vault changes the Training Content Status record to the Retired state, and creates a new Training Content Status record. The Learner will then be able to start the course as if they were starting it for the first time.
Session Timeout
The e-learning player’s session timeout duration is the same as your Vault’s timeout, with some limitations as described below. If the Learner is active in Vault or within the e-learning course, for example, navigating between pages, their session will not time out. If the session is close to timing out, the player will display a timeout banner. If the session times out, both Vault and the e-learning player window will redirect to the Vault login page. If the user either logs out of Vault, or is logged out of Vault automatically while the e-learning course player browser window is still open, the e-learning browser window automatically closes.
However, there are limitations to session timeout based on whether the course is hosted within Vault or within a third-party site.
Session Timeout Limitations
Timeout behavior differs between e-learning standards and whether the course is hosted or non-hosted:
- Hosted SCORM courses
- If the course sends data to Vault, the user’s session timeout is updated in Vault, and the user will not be timed out of Vault or e-learning. In this context, “sends data” means the course is calling either LMSSetValue() or LMSFinish().
- If the course does not send data to Vault, the user’s session timeout will not be updated in Vault and the user may be logged out of Vault. To avoid a timeout in this case, the user can hover over the yellow timeout banner on the e-learning browser window.
- Hosted AICC courses
- The user’s session timeout is not updated even if data is sent. This is a known limitation of Vault Training’s e-learning support.
- Non-Hosted SCORM or AICC courses
- As long as the user is active within the course and there is network activity, the user’s session will not be timed out in Vault.
About Hosted & Non-Hosted E-Learning Courses
E-learning courses are either non-hosted and fully contained within Vault, or hosted on third-party vendor servers. LearnGxP courses manually uploaded to a Vault are considered to be non-hosted e-learning courses, whereas courses delivered to subscribers via LearnGxP ContentDirect are considered to be hosted.
As Vault behavior differs depending on whether the course is hosted or non-hosted, you should be aware of this attribute for your e-learning courses:
- Hosted SCORM or AICC courses are e-learning courses where the majority of the course content is hosted in another domain, often the domain of the vendor you purchased the course from. If you have purchased the course from a third party, check with the vendor whether the e-learning course contents are hosted on the vendor servers. If so, then the course is hosted.
- If the course is built within your organization using tools like Adobe Captivate or Articulate Storyline and uploaded into Vault, then the e-learning course is non-hosted, as the course assets, such as image, HTML, and other files, are in the course ZIP file.
To quickly determine if an e-learning course is hosted, unzip the e-learning ZIP file. If the ZIP contains only a handful of files, then most likely the course is hosted. If the ZIP contains files, folders, and subfolders, then the course is most likely non-hosted.