The Study Training Matrix Builder is a friendly interface that allows an authorized user to rapidly assemble the training needs for a given Study by specifying the training materials that each study team member needs to complete training on.

Using an intuitive, guided process, you can build and publish a study-specific training matrix. After the training matrix is published, the application will automatically assign training tasks to each study team member. This alleviates the need to manually create each item in a training matrix.

The matrix builder saves most additions and changes automatically as soon as you make them. If you refresh the page or come back to the matrix builder page later, saved Curricula, Training Requirement, and Study Team Role information is not lost.

The Study Training Matrix Builder must be enabled by an Admin.

About the Matrix Builder Interface

The matrix builder interface contains many options for managing a Study Training matrix. To open the matrix builder, perform the Create Study Training Matrix action on a Study record.

Top Bar

The top bar of the matrix builder contains the following buttons:

  • Edit: Allows you to make changes to the matrix.
  • Exit: Returns you to viewing mode.
  • Finalize: Makes the matrix active. Vault begins issuing Training Assignments during the next training automation job. To accomplish this, clicking the Finalize button changes the lifecycle state of the following objects in the matrix to Ready for Use: Learner Role, Curriculum, and Training Requirement. It also creates or deletes a Learner Role-Curriculum record for each box checked in the matrix builder.

Study Curricula

The left side of the page allows you to manage Curricula for the Study’s matrix using the following buttons and icons:

  • + Documents: Opens a dialog to add initial document Training Requirements to the matrix.
  • Add Documents: Appears after there’s at least one document in the list, and opens a dialog to add more document Training Requirements. Documents that are already on the matrix appear already selected. If you save, newly selected documents appear as Training Requirements in a new Curriculum group. You can hover over a document in the list and remove it by clicking the Remove button.
  • Add Study Curriculum: Appears after there’s at least one curriculum in the list. Opens a dialog to create a new Curriculum.

Hovering over a Curriculum or Training Requirement and clicking its Actions menu displays additional actions:

  • Rename: Opens a dialog to rename the Training Requirement or Curriculum.
  • Delete: Deletes the Training Requirement or Curriculum from the Vault. When performed on a Training Requirement, this deletes the Training Requirement from all Curricula in the matrix.
  • View More Details: Opens the object detail page for the Training Requirement or Curriculum. From this page, you can configure advanced training features.
  • The following actions only appear in the Actions menu for a Training Requirement:
    • Move Training Requirement: Opens a dialog to remove the Training Requirement from the current Curriculum and allows you to add it to one or more other Curricula in the matrix.
    • Copy Training Requirement: Opens a dialog to duplicate the Training Requirement to another Curriculum in the matrix.
    • Remove Training Requirement: Removes the Training Requirement from that Curriculum only.
  • The following actions only appear in the Actions menu for a Curriculum:
    • Add Training Requirements: Opens a dialog that allows you to select from any pre-existing Training Requirements in the Vault to add to the Curriculum.
    • Specify Study Country: Opens a dialog to add a Study Country value to the Curriculum. Selecting a country causes Study Training to exclude this Curriculum for Persons with any other (or no) Study Country value.


An alert icon Alert icon in the Training Requirements list warns you about problems which may prevent Vault from issuing Training Assignments for it. Hovering over the alert icon gives you reasons why the Training Requirement is not ready. Clicking a document in the list opens it in the document viewer.

Study Team Roles

The right side of the page allows you to manage Study Team Roles by clicking the following buttons and icons:

  • Add Study Team Roles: Opens a dialog to add or remove Study Team Roles columns.
  • Filter Study Team Roles: Opens a filter dialog to allow you to filter the visible columns and focus on a subset of roles.

Clicking a Study Team Role’s Actions menu displays the Remove Study Team Role action, which removes that Study Team Role column from the matrix. Clicking on the number of Persons takes you to a record list view of the associated Person records.

Building a Matrix

While you can approach building a matrix in the Study Training Matrix Builder in a number of ways, the following steps outline a basic matrix setup process:

  1. From an existing Study record, perform the Create Study Training Matrix action.
  2. Click Edit in the top right of the page.
  3. Click the + Documents button.
  4. Begin adding documents to your first Curriculum in the dialog. Select at least one document from the list. You can filter to only documents with the current Study value to ensure you are selecting from an appropriate set.
  5. Click Save. Your first Curriculum appears as a row on the left side of the builder page. In the background, Vault has created a Curriculum and Training Requirement for each selected document.
  6. Continue adding documents or Curricula as needed.
  7. Click the + Study Team Roles button.
  8. Begin adding Study Team Roles. Select at least one role from the list.
  9. Click Save. The selected Study Team Roles appear as columns in the builder.
  10. If necessary, perform the Specify Study Country action on Curricula that should only be issued to Learners with specific Country values defined in their Learner Role-Person records. Specifying a country causes Study Training to exclude this curriculum for Persons with any other (or no) Study Country value selected when added to the Study.
  11. When you are satisfied with your list of Curricula, Training Requirements, and Study Team Roles, begin making assignment selections in the checkboxes of the matrix. Vault does not save your selections if you exit the builder and return.
  12. Hover over any alert icons Alert icon in the list of Training Requirements and address any non-state-related alerts.
  13. When you are satisfied with your matrix and ready to begin issuing training assignments to Learners for this Study, click Finalize. This button is not available until you make at least one checkbox selection or deselection.

Editing an Existing Matrix

You can enter the matrix builder and use the Edit button on an existing matrix to make changes.

When you update Training Requirements or Curricula in the matrix builder and click Finalize, Vault automatically publishes the updates and handles new and open Training Assignments accordingly.

These updates include:

  • Removing an existing Training Requirement from a Curriculum
  • Adding a new or existing Training Requirement to a Curriculum
  • Adding a new document to an existing Training Requirement


The following limitations apply to the Study Training Matrix Builder:

  • Advanced training options like quizzes, prerequisite or substitute rules, and other features cannot be set up in the matrix builder. You can use the View More Details action to set those options up in the appropriate object record detail page.
  • Admin Alerts do not display in the matrix builder. Instead, the builder displays a lighter version of such alerts.
  • If the Finalize button is not available, some situations may require you to use the View More Details action to make state changes directly to Training Requirements or Curriculum.
  • All required fields on the associated Curriculum and Training Requirement records must have default values in order for those records to be successfully created.
  • Vault does not save checkbox states (checked or unchecked) upon exiting the builder.

Enabling the Study Matrix Builder

To enable the Study Matrix Builder an Admin must add the Create Study Training Matrix record action to the Study object in Admin > Configuration > Objects > Study > Actions.

At minimum, Study Managers or other users building a Study Training matrix require a security profile with Read permissions on the following objects to view the matrix builder:

  • LearnerRole-Study
  • Study Learner Role
  • Study Curriculum
  • Curriculum-LearnerRole
  • Training Requirement-Curriculum

Access to each function in the matrix builder is controlled by certain object or field permissions, and if the user lacks those permissions, they will not see the function in the builder interface:

Area Action/Function Object Permission(s) Required
Study Team Roles Add Study Team Roles Read to Learner Role of type Study object, Create and Read to LearnerRole-Study object
Study Team Roles Remove Study Learner Roles Read to Learner Role object of type Study, Delete to LearnerRole-Study object, Delete to LearnerRole-Curriculum object
Study Curricula + Document and Add Document Create and Read to Curriculum object, Create and Read to Training Requirement object, Create and Read and Edit to Training Content Set and Training Content Set-Documents objects
Study Curricula Rename Edit to name__v field on Curriculum object
Study Curricula Specify Country Edit to the study_country__v field on Curriculum object
Study Curricula Add Training Requirements Create and Read to Curriculum-Training Requirement object, Read to Training Requirement object
Study Curricula Delete Delete to Curriculum object, Delete to Curriculum-Training Requirement object, Delete to Curriculum-Learner Role object
Study Curricula View More Details Read to Curriculum object
Training Requirements Rename Training Requirement Edit to name__v on Training Requirement object
Training Requirements Add Training Materials Create and Edit to Training Content Set and Training Content Set-Documents objects
Training Requirements Move Training Requirement Delete to Curriculum-Training Requirement object, Create to Curriculum-Training Requirement object
Training Requirements Copy Training Requirement Create to Curriculum-Training Requirement object
Training Requirements Remove Training Requirement Delete to Curriculum-Training Requirement object
Training Requirements Remove (when hovering over Training Requirement) Delete on Training Content Set-Document object
Training Requirements Delete Delete to Training Requirement object, Delete to Curriculum-Training Requirement object
Training Requirements View More Details Read to Training Requirement object
Matrix Checkboxes Select or deselect checkboxes Create to Curriculum-Learner Role object, Delete to Curriculum-Learner Role object